The four seasons 1

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5-BILET 1-SAVOL -MY FLAT My name is Tanya. I live in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. I live in Gerasimenko street in a large nine-storeyed house. Our flat is on the eighth floor. Our flat is not large but it is very cosy. There are two rooms in our flat. There is a living- room and a bedroom in our flat. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet there, too.Our living-room is light and comfortable. There is only one window in it, but it's very large. There is modern furniture in our living-room. There is a wall-unit, a TV-set, a sofa, two armchairs and a table in the room. There is a large carpet on the floor. But there is no carpet on the wall. There are some pictures on the walls. I like to watch TV in the living-room and to play or talk with my parents in the evening there.Our kitchen is small, but it is nice. There is a cooker there, a refrigerator, a table and four chairs. We have meals in the kitchen and my mother cooks tasty things there.Our bathroom is clean and nice. We wash hands and face, clean teeth in the bathroom. There is a bath and a sink with hot and cold water taps there.I like to be at home, to play, to read books. There are a lot of books in our flat. I help my parents about the house and our flat is always clean and nice. I think, there is no place like home. TARJIMASI- MENING Kvartira Mening ismim Tanya. Men Belarus poytaxti Minskda yashayman. Men Gerasimenko ko'chasida to'qqiz qavatli katta uyda yashayman. Bizning kvartiramiz sakkizinchi qavatda. Bizning kvartiramiz katta emas, lekin juda qulay. Bizning kvartiramizda ikkita xona bor. Bizning kvartiramizda yashash xonasi va yotoqxona mavjud. U yerda oshxona, hammom va hojatxona ham bor. Mehmonxonamiz yorug‘ va qulay. Unda faqat bitta oyna bor, lekin u juda katta. Mehmonxonamizda zamonaviy mebellar mavjud. Xonada devor bloki, televizor, divan, ikkita kreslo va stol bor. Yerda katta gilam bor. Ammo devorda gilam yo'q. Devorlarda bir nechta rasmlar bor. Mehmonxonada televizor ko'rishni, kechki payt ota-onam bilan o'ynashni yoki suhbatlashishni yaxshi ko'raman. Bizning oshxonamiz kichkina, lekin juda yaxshi. U yerda pechka, muzlatgich, stol va to‘rtta stul bor. Oshxonada ovqatimiz bor, onam esa u yerda mazali taomlar pishiradi. Hammomimiz toza va chiroyli. Biz qo'l va yuzni yuvamiz, hammomda tishlarni tozalaymiz. U yerda hammom va issiq va sovuq suv jo‘mraklari bo‘lgan lavabo bor. Men uyda bo‘lishni, o‘ynashni, kitob o‘qishni yaxshi ko‘raman. Bizning kvartiramizda juda ko'p kitoblar bor. Men ota-onamga uy haqida yordam beraman va bizning kvartiramiz har doim toza va chiroyli. Menimcha, uydek joy yo'q. 2-SAVOLTO BE "To Be" fe'li ingliz tilida eng ko'p qo'llaniladigan fe'llardan biri hisoblanadi. Ko'pgina qo'llanmalar ham aynan ana shu fe'lni o'rgatishdan boshlanadi. Men ham shu an'anani davom ettirgan holda, "to be " fe'lini dastlabki mavzu sifatida yoritmoqchiman.Demak "to be" fe'li haqida so'z yuritamiz.
1) "To be" fe'li ingliz tilidagi barcha fe'llar kabi bir xil funksiyani bajaradi, ya'ni gapning kesimi bo'lib keladi. Masalan: to be - bo'lmoq, to have - ega bo'lmoq, to come - kelmoq, to tell - aytmoq. Biroq "to be" fe'lini fe'l zamonlarida qo'llaganimizda uning shakllaridan foydalanamiz.
Shunday qilib, Hozirgi noaniq zamonda 'to be' fe'lining 3 ta shakli mavjud: am, is, are. I am a teacher - Men o'qituvchiman. You are tall - Sizning bo'yingiz baland. He is clever - U aqlli. She is 29 - U 29 yoshda. It is big - U katta. We are doctors - Bizlar shifokorlarmiz. They are students - Ular talabalar.

1-SAVOL -UZBEKISTAN Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia and borders Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. The country is about the same size as Sweden or California with more than two-thirds of it desert and steppe in the west. The only relief is the delta where the Amu-Darya River empties into what remains of the Aral Sea. In the east, however, Uzbekistan tilts upward towards the mountains of its neighbors. This is where the country’s life-giving rivers rise.
The richest farmland (and therefore the bulk of the population) is nestled in the gaps in the mountains, on the alluvial planes at their base, and along the country’s two big rivers – Amu-Darya and Syr Darya.Uzbekistan contains some of the world’s oldest, most historic cities including Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.
Uzbekistan has an extreme continental climate. It is generally warmest in the south and coldest in the north. Temperatures in December average -8˚C (18˚F) in the north and 0˚C (32˚F) in the south. Extreme fluctuations can take temperatures as low as -35˚C (-31˚F).
During the summer, temperatures can reach 45˚C (113˚F) and above. Humidity is low. Spring (April to June), and fall (September through October), are in general the most pleasant times to travel. The weather is mild and in April the desert blooms briefly. Fall is harvest time and the markets are full of fresh fruit.If you’re interested in trekking, then the summer months of July and August are the best times since summers are almost dry. In recent years Uzbekistan was notably affected by the global warming and dry-out of the Aral Sea resulting in hotter and drier summers and colder and longer winters.
TARJIMASI- O'ZBEKISTON O'zbekiston Markaziy Osiyoning markazida joylashgan va Turkmaniston, Qozog'iston, Qirg'iziston, Tojikiston va Afg'oniston bilan chegaradosh. Mamlakat Shvetsiya yoki Kaliforniya bilan bir xil bo'lib, uning uchdan ikki qismidan ko'prog'i g'arbda cho'l va dashtdir. Yagona relyefi Amudaryoning Orol dengizi qoldiqlariga quyiladigan deltasidir. Sharqda esa O'zbekiston yuqoriga, qo'shnilarining tog'lari tomon egiladi. Bu erda mamlakatning hayotbaxsh daryolari ko'tariladi.
Eng boy qishloq xo'jaligi erlari (demak, aholining asosiy qismi) tog'lardagi bo'shliqlarda, ularning etagidagi allyuvial tekisliklarda va mamlakatning ikkita katta daryosi - Amudaryo va Sirdaryo bo'yida joylashgan. eng qadimiy, eng tarixiy shaharlar, jumladan Samarqand, Buxoro va Xiva.
Oʻzbekiston ekstremal kontinental iqlimga ega. Odatda janubda eng issiq va shimolda eng sovuq. Dekabr oyidagi oʻrtacha harorat shimolda -8˚C (18˚F) va janubda 0˚C (32˚F). Haddan tashqari tebranishlar haroratni -35˚C (-31˚F) gacha olishi mumkin.
Yozda harorat 45˚C (113˚F) va undan yuqoriga yetishi mumkin. Namlik past. Bahor (apreldan iyungacha) va kuz (sentyabrdan oktyabrgacha) sayohat qilish uchun eng yoqimli vaqtlardir. Havo yumshoq va aprel oyida cho'l qisqa vaqt ichida gullaydi. Kuz - o'rim-yig'im vaqti va bozorlar yangi mevalar bilan to'la. Agar trekkingga qiziqsangiz, iyul va avgust oylari eng yaxshi vaqtdir, chunki yoz deyarli quruq bo'ladi. So'nggi yillarda O'zbekistonga global isish va Orol dengizining qurib borishi jiddiy ta'sir ko'rsatdi, buning natijasida yoz issiqroq va quruqroq, qish esa sovuqroq va uzoqroq bo'ldi.
2-SAVOL PRONOUNS Ingliz tilida personal pronouns deganda kishi (shaxs)ni o’rniga ishlatiladigan olmoshlar tushuniladi.
John is my brother.  He is my brother. (John mening akam. U mening akam)
Bu yerda John ot bo’lsa, he uning o’rnida ishlatilyapti. Ya’ni shaxs o’rniga qo’llanilmoqda.
Children are playing in the garden. They are playing in the garden.
(Bolalar bog’da o’ynashyapti. Ular bog’da o’ynashyapti).
Ingliz tilida 3ta shaxs mavjud. I-shaxs so’zlovchi, II-shaxs-tinglovchi, III-shaxs boshqa, suhbatga aloqasi
bo’lmagan odam Birlikda (Singular)
I-shaxs I – men
II-shaxs you – sen, siz
III-shaxs he, she, it – u Ko’plikda (Plural)
I-shaxs we – biz
II-shaxs you – sizlar
III-shaxs they – ular Biz he deb faqat erkak kishi yoki og’il bolaga, she deb faqat qiz yoki ayolga, it deb esa narsa buyum va jonivorga nisbatan ishlatamiz. O’zbek tiliga u deb tarjima qilinadi. Ko’plik shaklida esa hammasiga faqatgina they (ular) qo’llaniladi. Pronouns Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. Pronouns are words like: he, you, ours, themselves, some, each... We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. If we didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a whole lot of nouns. The following pages describe the grammar of pronouns. For lists of pronouns you can see the vocabulary of pronouns here.

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