The Healing Power of Aura Quartz By

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HEART OF MAUI offers Aqua Aura and the Aura Quartzes-primarily Angel (Opal), Rainbow, Royal, Sunshine, Tanzan (Celestial) and Rose. These are the highest quality we have ever seen and pieces go quickly, so not practical for us to picture on-line, so what you see is only representative. If purchasing on-line, we suggest contacting us so that we can pendulum choices or hand-select according to your needs, i.e. for jewelry making, gridding, etc. If interested in quantity purchases with discounts up to 30% please 808-280-3682 or email Mahalo Nui Loa!

The following gives detailed information on how Aura Quartzes are made and Properties. Enjoy!

The Healing Power of Aura Quartz By: Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy

Although Aura Quartzes are a relatively new item in the world of crystals, they have already started quite a controversy because they are created through an artificial process. It is my goal in sharing the following information to educate, entertain, inform, and intrigue you in regard to the alluring world of Aura crystals.

Because the exact processes and metal combinations of creating the various types of Aura Quartzes are not openly shared (due to fear of trade secrets being given to other manufacturers), it is often difficult to get accurate information about these crystals. There are only a handful of manufacturers worldwide that have the equipment necessary to produce them. Additionally, the cost of the precious metals involved in the process is constantly rising. These high costs of production, coupled with the fact that there is a large percentage of breakage during the process (due to the extreme heat involved – up to 1600 degrees F), makes these somewhat rare stones a desirable addition to any crystal collection.

Aura Quartz is made by placing natural Quartz crystals into a vacuum chamber with vaporized metals for 12-18 hours. The “atomized” metal molecules then adhere to the surface of the Quartz through an electrostatic process, coating it, and creating the beautiful display of colors with which we are all familiar. The thin metallic coating (generally less than 1 micron thick) cannot be scratched or rubbed off of the crystal because it has been molecularly bonded with the surface of the Quartz. This is mostly done to small points or clusters, but recently, Spirit Quartz have also been coated with metals to create Spirit Aura Quartz.

A number of “new” stones have been created in this manner including:

• Amethyst Aura (Purple) – made with Magnesium & Platinum

• Angel Aura (Iridescent White or Clear) – made with Platinum and/or Silver (PLEASE NOTE: This variety has also been made using Spirit Quartz)

• Apple Aura (Bright Green) – made with Nickel and/or Gold

• Aqua Aura (Bright Blue) – made with Gold (PLEASE NOTE: This variety has also been made using Spirit Quartz)

• Azure Aura – Please see Cobalt Aura

• Celestial Aura – Please see Tanzan Aura

• Champagne Aura (Smoky Brown-Gold) – made with Gold, Iron, and Platinum

• Cobalt Aura (Dark Blue with Iridescent Gold) – made with Cobalt

• Copper Aura (Metallic Copper) – made with Copper

• Dreamcicle Aura – Please see Melon Aura

• Electric Blue Aura (Pale Sky Blue) – made with Gold, Silver, and Platinum
• Emerald Aura – Please see Apple Aura

• Flame Aura – Please see Rainbow Aura

• Imperial Gold Aura – Please see Melon Aura

• Indigo Aura – Please see Tanzan Aura

• Kiwi Aura (Teal Green) – made with Gold and Silver or Platinum

• Lavender Aura – Please see Amethyst Aura

• Magenta Aura – Please see Rose Aura

• Melon Aura (Orange) – made with Copper, Gold, and Iron (PLEASE NOTE: This variety has also been made using Spirit Quartz)

• Opal Aura – Please see Angel Aura

• Orange Mist Aura – Please see Melon Aura

• Pearl Aura – Please see Angel Aura

• Rainbow Aura (Dark Iridescent) – made with Titanium and/or Niobium (PLEASE NOTE: There is a natural variety of Rainbow Aura Quartz that is coated with an iridescent variety of Hematite known as Turgite)

• Raspberry Aura – Please see Rose Aura

• Rose Aura (Rose Pink) – made with Platinum

• Royal Aura – Please see Cobalt Aura

• Ruby Aura (Hot Pink) – made with Gold, Silver, and Platinum

• Steel Blue Aura – Please see Cobalt Aura

• Sunshine Aura (Yellow) – made with Iron and/or Platinum and Gold (PLEASE NOTE: There is a natural variety of Sunshine Aura Quartz that is naturally coated with Iron, but not Platinum or Gold; similarly, Tangerine Quartz and Golden Healer Quartz are both naturally Iron-coated varieties of Quartz); (PLEASE NOTE: This variety has also been made using Spirit Quartz)

• Tangerine Aura – Please see Melon Aura (PLEASE NOTE: This is not the same as Tangerine Quartz, which is naturally coated with Iron Oxide)

• Tanzan Aura (Cornflower Blue) – made with Indium and Gold

• Tanzanite Aura – Please see Tanzan Aura

• Tanzine Aura – Please see Tanzan Aura

Some healers prefer not to use these stones as they are not completely natural (i.e. they are a “man-encouraged” creation). However, others, including myself, consider these stones to be useful healing tools, and even an improvement upon natural Quartz. Although the process for making these stones is not carried out within the earth, the stones are made of all natural components with no man-made or synthetic additives (such as plastics or dyes). Therefore, it seems as though the Quartz simply acts as a natural amplifier to the metals bonded to it.

For example, Aqua Aura Quartz is Quartz that has been coated in pure, 24k Gold. The thin layer of Gold atoms on the surface of the Quartz would not generally be enough to use for healing purposes. However, the energy of the Quartz crystal enhances and amplifies the energy of the Gold to the extent that it can be successfully used for healing.

Although I plainly feel energy being emitted by the Aura Quartz crystals, I wanted to do some investigating into the subject. I measured the radius of the energy field given off by various combinations of Quartzes and metals and compared them to the field emitted by their corresponding Aura Quartz variety. I measured the energy fields using a set of copper dowsing rods and used crystals that were close in size and mass (to get the most accurate results possible). I cleansed and cleared all materials so that they would have a cleared neutral field and placed them in the center of a room. When a collection of stones and metals was used, they were placed so that all materials were making physical contact (allowing the energy field of each separate component to become as cohesive as possible). I then positioned myself at the far end of the room with the dowsing rods (which were in a crossed position) and slowly walked toward the crystals until the dowsing rods were forced apart by the energy field of the crystal (or group of materials).

My results were as follows:

Aqua Aura Quartz=94" Energy Field Radius

Quartz with Gold Nugget= 49.5" Energy Field Radius
Spirit Aqua Aura Quartz=91" Energy Field Radius
Spirit Quartz with Gold Nugget=33" Energy Field Radius

Copper Aura Quartz=130.5"Energy Field Radius

Quartz with Copper Nugget= 88.5" Energy Field Radius

Melon Aura Quartz=127.5" Energy Field Radius

Iron-Included Quartz with Copper Nugget & Gold Nugget=50" Energy Field Radius
Spirit Melon Aura Quartz=150.5" Energy Field Radius
Spirit Quartz & Iron-Included Quartz with Copper Nugget & Gold Nugget= 106.5" Energy Field Radius

Rainbow Aura Quartz= 164.5" Energy Field Radius

Titanium-Included Quartz=52.5" Energy Field Radius
Titanium-Included Quartz with Niobium=130" Energy Field Radius
Natural Rainbow Aura Quartz (Turgite-Coated Quartz)= 58" Energy Field Radius

Spirit Sunshine Aura Quartz=181" Energy Field Radius

Spirit Quartz & Iron-Included Quartz=49.5" Energy Field Radius
Spirit Quartz & Iron-Included Quartz with Gold Nugget=78" Energy Field Radius
Spirit Quartz with Tangerine Quartz & Gold=92.5" Energy Field Radius
Golden Healer Quartz with Spirit Quartz & Gold Nugget= 152.5" Energy Field Radius

You can see from the data above, that in each trial, the energy field given off by the Aura Quartz crystals was greater than that given off by a collection of the stones and metals used to make the particular Aura Quartz.

For example, the radius of the energy field given off by Aqua Aura Quartz was measured at 94” whereas the radius of the energy field given off by a Quartz crystal and a Gold nugget (the components of Aqua Aura Quartz), was only measured at 49.5”.

Therefore, even though these crystals are created by human-intervention, the resulting healing energy is greater than if using the healing stones and metals separately. Until such a time may exist when similar natural aura formations are uncovered, these “man-encouraged” aura crystals make for spectacular, and powerful, healing tools.

Healing Properties of Aura Quartz:

After working with the various types of Aura Quartz crystals, I have found that the following healing properties may be attributed to each stone. As always, use your own intuition to determine what will work best for you as these are only suggestions as to how these stones may be used.

AMETHYST AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Lavender Aura Quartz) Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to bring about feelings of spiritual wholeness, to instill happiness and joy, to enhance Zen states and meditation practices, to give one a sense of child-like wonder, and to connect one with nature spirits and beings of the Faery Realm.

ANGEL AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Opal Aura Quartz or as Pearl Aura Quartz) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to open oneself to divine knowledge, to stimulate deep spiritual experiences, to promote successful meditation, to aid in establishing a connection to one’s angels or guides, to bring love and light into any situation, to promote feelings of safety and security, to enhance Loving kindness, to facilitate peace and calming, to mend broken relationships, to enhance forgiveness on oneself or of others, and to enhance compassionate attitudes.

APPLE AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Emerald Aura Quartz) Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) to purify the energy body, to balance and align all chakras, to relieve digestive problems or upset stomach, to bring about necessary change and to break old patterns or belief systems, to instill courage, and to help one to appreciate the beauty in life’s everyday happenings.

AQUA AURA QUARTZ: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for opening one to psychic insight, to strengthen the heart chakra energies, to connect the heart chakra with the throat chakra (allowing one to speak his or her inner truth), to help one to grow and evolve as a spiritual being, to connect one to his or her spirit guides, for astral travel, and to facilitate shamanic journeying.

CHAMPAGNE AURA QUARTZ: Use at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to bring divine energy into the body for healing the physical, emotional, or spiritual aspects of the self, to aid in spiritual ascension, to connect one with the divine for channeling information, to open one to new experiences (so that they may not need be repeated in a future lifetime), and to stimulate one’s conscious awareness.

COBALT AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Royal Aura Quartz, Steel Blue Aura Quartz, or as Azure Aura Quartz)) Use at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to dissipate feelings of anger, to aid in developing a state of non-attachment, to aid in enhancing meditative states, to facilitate a connection with the emotional body, and to provide the opportunity to learn from the water element.

COPPER AURA QUARTZ: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) for grounding, to relieve pain caused by inflammation, to allow one to see his or her shadow side in order aid in self-growth and self-evolution, to aid in healing past-life trauma, to balance the emotions, and to enhance vitality.

ELECTRIC BLUE AURA QUARTZ: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to enhance communication with one’s guardian angels, spirit guides, totem animals, ascended masters, or with one’s higher self; to promote spiritual ascension; to instill peace and calming; to relieve anxiety; to remove negativity from the energy body; and to reduce stress caused by putting pressure on oneself.

KIWI AURA QUARTZ: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to instill a deep appreciation for nature, to connect one with nature spirits and beings of the Fairy Realm, to heal blockages caused by emotional trauma, to instill courage and bravery in the user, to promote feelings of comfort and safety (especially when in strange places), and to encourage self-love and forgiveness.

MELON AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Tangerine Aura Quartz, Imperial Gold Aura Quartz, Dreamcicle Aura Quartz, or as Orange Mist Aura Quartz) Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra), 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), or at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) to stimulate compassion, to promote forgiveness (of oneself and of others), to heal the emotional body, to repair damaged relationships between parents and children, and to instill happiness and joy.

RAINBOW AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Flame Aura Quartz) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra), 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra), or 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to stimulate a connection with the divine, to enhance psychic insight, to facilitate a spiritual connection with nature, to aid in seeing and reading auras, to promote lucid dreaming and dream recall, and for promoting positive self-reflection.

ROSE AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Raspberry Aura Quartz) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) to instill a sense of Lovingkindess; to help heal emotional trauma; to aid in enhancing forgiveness; to aid in recovering from any type of abuse on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level; and to help one find a tactful way to communicate in difficult situations.

RUBY AURA QUARTZ: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) to instill vitality, to aid the body in detoxing, for motivation, to help warm the physical body (especially when one has symptoms of the flu such as chills), to aid in moving the Kundalini energy throughout the body (either rising or returning to the resting state), and to promote balanced circulation in the body.

SUNSHINE AURA QUARTZ: Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) or at the 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra) to instill a sense of happiness and joy, to relieve the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, to enhance one’s self-esteem and personal power by providing a stable emotional platform from which to act, to aid in the absorption of nutrients, and for spiritual grounding.

TANZAN AURA QUARTZ: (Also known as Tanzine Aura Quartz, Tanzanite Aura Quartz, Celestial Aura Quartz, or as Indigo Aura Quartz) – Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or at the 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) to connect with beings from the angelic realm, to facilitate astral travel, for dream healing work, to ease feelings of grief, to aid in connecting with those on the other side, and to enhance intuitive guidance and the gift of foresight.
Works Cited:

Crystal Vaults. The Metaphysical Properties of Quartz Crystals. Date of Access: August 22, 2011.

Crystals, Rocks, and Gems. Infused Quartz. Date of Access: September 7, 2011.

Hosto, Erin Camille. Aura Quartz Information. Date of Access: August 22, 2011.

Patinkas. Crystal Directory: An A to Z of Crystals & Their Metaphysical Properties. Date of Access: August 22, 2011.

Teen, See Han. JMine Life Rocks – Aura. Date of Access: August 22, 2011.

That Crystal Site. Aqua Aura Quartz Heart. Date of Access: August 22, 2011.

That Crystal Site. Magenta Aura Quartz. Date of Access: September 7, 2011.

*Crystal Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. The information within this guide is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.

Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy

Phone: (630) 254-4685
Ashley's Website
An Online Network of Crystal Healers
Mimosa Books & Gifts Online Shop
Ashley has been drawn to stones since childhood. She has years of professional training & experience and is happy to answer your crystal questions!

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