The Peerian Journal
Open Access | Peer Reviewed
Volume 24, November, 2o23.
P a g e
The Effectiveness of the Use of Gadgets in
Physical Education Classes Among Students
Yakhshieva Mekhrinigor Shavkatovna
Lecturer at the Department of Distance Education in Social Sciences and Humanities at Jizzakh
State Pedagogical University
The article presents an extended analysis of existing approaches and opportunities
for the use of innovative technologies, devices, equipment and mobile applications in sports and
physical education classes in higher educational institutions. Based on it, the possibilities of using
gadgets in the field of monitoring the level of physical health and assessing the sports
achievements of students are considered. Modern trends in the development of education require
the systematization of existing materials, study of the concept and system of introduction of
modern technologies based on information flows (gadgets), means and devices in the educational
process in physical education classes.
Key words:
Physical education, gadget, student, occupation, educational institution, sports,
information technology.
The transition from the post-industrial to the information society, which is constantly carried
out in modern conditions, requires a person to be able not only to quickly find the necessary
information, but also to use new technologies to improve skills and abilities in various fields of
knowledge. It should be noted that in recent years, the introduction of computer technologies in the
physical education of pupils and students has become of great importance both for the diagnosis of
health, physical development, motor indicators, and for pedagogical control. Since students spend
more and more time not in gyms, libraries, theaters, etc., but on computers, tablets and other
gadgets, there is an opportunity to use them profitably in the educational process.
The analysis of scientific and methodological literature and the experience of best practice
indicate the need to increase the capacity of the use of information and communication technologies
in the educational process of students in the direction of physical training. The purpose of this article
is to determine the content and role of the use of gadgets in physical education classes for students.
The use of gadgets in the process of physical education of students is currently taking place
simultaneously in two directions: the creation of educational resources adapted to the Internet, and
the introduction of technologies into the educational process that fulfill pedagogical goals. It should
be noted that the first direction has been a significant difficulty for a long time, since the market
could not provide the educational system with a sufficient number of web designers who produced
electronic learning tools, and system administrators for the development and implementation of
special software. Nevertheless, in recent years, publicly available software products have been
created that make it possible to produce high-quality digital educational resources for physical
education classes without special knowledge of computer science.
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