Preparation: For class work you should have three or six pictures of magazine page size- They should not be too detailed. Stickmen drawings are ideal but simple photographs are also suitable. For pair or group work you will need three to six pictures for each pair or group.
Procedure: Class work leading to group or pair work.
You or a learner or a group of learner look at a picture which the rest of the class cannot see. (This is an opportunity to involve a less able learner in the key role.) The ones who cannot sec must ask questions to find out what is in the picture.
The game may be played at a variety of levels. At the simplest level, you may say there is a man in the picture and ask, e.g. Teacher: What is he doing? Class: Is he running? (Teacher: No. Class: Is he swimming?
At a more advanced level, you may use a more complicated picture and give no clue concerning the content of it, e.g.
Class: Is it inside?
Teacher: No, not exactly.
Class: Outside?
Teacher: Well . . . yes, but partly inside.
Class: Is it a door?