The role of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages

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The subject of the study is to study the experience of using information technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to students in a linguistic university.
The object of the study at the moment – is the development of communicative skills of the trainees, i.e. practical knowledge of a foreign language. Main purpose of is also a foreign language, which makes it suitable for oral and written communication, as in the future professional activity, and to further self-education. In combination with other competencies of foreign language communication competence in the future it will give each of the graduates the opportunity to be successful in the professional field and to fully realize their potential. And the task of the teacher is to educate a person the ability to communicate, to educate themselves. Necessary for the modern process of foreign language teaching is to create optimal conditions in order to make this process meaningful, effective and interesting for students. To my view, teachers use different methods and techniques that help to intensify the work of the students. In this invaluable assistance in this process renders the use of computer technology and Internet resources.
The Aim of the study. Teachers of new generation should be able to select a qualified and apply precisely those technologies that are fully consistent with the content and objectives of study subjects, contribute to the harmonious development of students based on their individual characteristics.

  1. The role of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages

The role of ICTs in education is becoming more and more critical. The higher education sector has advanced with the help of various ICT tools such as smart devices, smart boards, online classrooms, digital cameras, projectors, video conferencing tools, audio recording tools, and many more. The specificity of the subject foreign language makes possible the use of computer technology in full in almost all these cases.
ICT is not only influencing, changing, and supporting the content that is being learned in higher education institutes but also changing the way students are learning. There has been a systematic movement from content-centered curricula to a competency - based curricula with the aid of various ICT tools. Similarly, there is a movement away from teacher-centered learning to student-centered forms of knowledge. ICT has facilitated a modern learning approach where students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Students are increasingly turning towards the web and online subject matter experts from who they will learn, thus creating an environment of independent learning. In traditional high schools, colleges and universities, universities provided minimal choice for students for when the learning would take place. Typically, the students would accept the learning schedule prepared by the university and follow the same The use of ICT tools allows students to optimize their learning experience by choosing when they wish to study based on their routine or body clock. Learners are free to participate in learning activities when time permits or be assured of no interruption. This freedom and flexibility have significantly increased the opportunities for many students to participate in formal programs. It has also provided learning opportunities for many more learners who previously were constrained by other commitments. The use of online technology learning has enabled learning to become an activity that is no longer set within programmed schedules and slots. The various technologies can provide asynchronous support for learning so that the need for real-time participation is avoided while the students can benefit from the communication and collaboration that the online system provides.
It is not only students, but even teachers benefit from these tools as they can decide what periods in the 24X7 envelope can be utilized for teaching and interacting with the students? The continued and increased use of ICTs has also changed where the students learn. While the concept of flexibility in the location of education is not new to the prevalence of distance education programs for years. Yet, for most universities, students do not choose the place of their location. With ICT and advancements in Ed Tech tools, off-campus delivery of courses is an option for students who were unable to attend the class for any number of reasons. Additionally, the use of ICT tools instead of a traditional classroom setting has given way to learning in work-based settings with students able to access courses and programs from their workplace. The advantages of education at the location of choice is not only increased convenience to the students but also financial savings and time-related savings with travel. The concept of technology powered ‘any place learning’ also ensures that learners enroll in courses offered by any institute across the world rather than only applying for local educational universities. The advantages of this include extended course offerings and the opportunity to digitally interact with co-learners and students from differing backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. The computer can be effectively used for discovering new lexical material, new samples of statements. At the stage of consolidation and application of the generated knowledge and skills, the computer can be used in a wide variety of communicative tasks and situations on the basis of personality characteristics of the students. He can create the optimum conditions for the successful development of the program material , while ensuring adequate and feasible load for all students. Using Internet resources allows students to bring communication activities to reality.
Computer widely used as a means of exercising control over the activities of the trainees from the teacher, as well as a means of self-control. Computer testing can be used as a method of final or interim audit. Depending on the capabilities, students can be tested on personal computers in the local school network or the Internet. Fast results with this test allows the instructor to make timely adjustments to the educational process, to prevent lag, work individually with students. Student as it helps to understand what success he has achieved in the study of a foreign language and on what he needs to work harder. Teachers of our department compiled training test items containing a large database, which includes all the main topics of the course of English. Students have a good opportunity to perform these tests in computer classes, both independently and under the supervision of an instructor.
This type of work we have practiced in preparation for the exams conducted in the form of computer based testing, as well as during the preparation of the intermediate state control (ISC). Performing the test yourself, the student can see clearly makes a mistake and correct answers. If the execution of tests carried out under the guidance of a teacher, the student has the opportunity to consult on options for answers in which mistakes were made. Experience with the use of computer technology in the process of preparing for exams and ISC shows that students are much faster and more intelligent learn learning material. Having analyzed the responses of students, the teacher, in turn, sees weaknesses of each student, as well as errors specific to the whole group, allowing you to work differentially, given knowledge of each. Since each student works, as they say " one-on- one with a computer," the teacher an opportunity to see an objective assessment ( in points) of the student, which puts the computer. The student also sees a realistic assessment of their knowledge and this sometimes causes him to reconsider their self-esteem. But in this kind of work , there are also disadvantages. Communicating with the computer, the students read the sentence, choose the answer without uttering anything aloud, i.e. speech apparatus in this kind of work becomes passive, which is highly undesirable when learning a foreign language. In this regard, we use this form of work with a computer periodically. [1,109p]
The computer allows the display to present the elements of cross-cultural nature, especially the environment and situation. It is very comfortable for multimedia presentations in Power Point. Application of computer presentations in the classroom allows you to enter a new lexical, grammatical, regional studies material in the most fascinating way, implementing the principle of visibility, which contributes to more lasting learning information. Independent creative work of students to create computer presentations allows you to expand the stock of active vocabulary, increase interest in learning a foreign language and culture. This technology promotes teaching a foreign language with the help of worldwide World Wide Web, which provides great opportunities and services of information and communicative nature. Using Internet resources increases the activity of the students and the teacher's role changes, it increases the level of student’s motivation, desire to find himself and explore the necessary information. Thus, the learning process is beyond the time frame of the lesson. Teaching using Internet resources allows communication at different levels: teacher-student, student - student, student - friend, etc. while students have access to an unlimited amount of fresh information and a huge selection. Working alone in the Internet, students improve skills proficiency, develop critical thinking, enhance cognitive independence. Using Internet resources changes the role of the teacher, she becomes a coordinator and consultant. The popularity of the Internet and computer technologies among young people and in society as a whole has created serious grounds for the successful integration of ICT into educational process. When teaching foreign languages an important place is given to ICT, which allows the introduction of new technologies, new techniques, shifting the emphasis to the independent work of a student, making the training diverse. This situation increases the effectiveness of the classroom work and makes the independent work of students more efficient. There is an opportunity to use the Internet as a teaching tool both for training all types of speech activity, and for research work and education. The application of information and communication technologies in education has, in modern conditions, an increasingly significant impact on the quality and competitiveness of the national education system. The integration of Uzbek education into the world educational system is connected with the observance of the fundamental international standards requirements.
World practices in the field of new technologies and forms of teaching, methods of educational activities managing and the quality of the learning process, the creation of electronic educational resources are widely used in teaching foreign languages in Russian universities. National standards of the ICT use are coordinated with international standards and regulations. At the lessons of foreign languages, one should integrate the linguistic, sociocultural and communicative approaches, taking into consideration teaching a foreign language for specific purposes. To achieve these goals, it is very important to use the whole potential of Internet resources. The Internet offers users various options that can be used by students and teachers: e-mail, participation in videoconferences, publication of research articles in the on-line system, numerous reference catalogs and search systems.
ICT assumes the use of such telecommunication technologies as computer training and test programs, electronic dictionaries for teaching students both professional vocabulary and reading in a special setting; telecommunication technologies, which give students the opportunity to participate in the dialogue of cultures through audio and video conferences. ICT combines the advantages of various technologies within a single resource placing educational material in the form of electronic textbooks, audio and video files using hyperlinks. Using ICT, a teacher has an opportunity to monitor the knowledge and skills of students in the network, making the learning process more individual. The undoubted advantage of using ICT is to achieve mobility of learning, because using e-mails and forums, teachers and students can provide feedback, they can receive the necessary consultations, using the time in the classroom more effectively. The use of ICT is more efficient within the framework of a certain model of training, developed in terms of the educational goals.
The end of 1990’s and beginning of 2000’s marked a new era in foreign languages teaching in Uzbekistan when all stakeholders including teachers, students, schools, colleges, and universities started to feel that they were ready for change in the way foreign languages were taught and learned. Nevertheless, there was uncertainty on how these changes would be implemented, what kind of changes should be introduced, who would be the initiator of the changes and what people’s reactions would be to the changes in the education sector (Jalolov 2013). The reason for uncertainty was due to the fact that for almost a century in Uzbekistan there was not held any consistent reforms in foreign language teaching (Jalolov 2013).[2,336p] The reforms in foreign language teaching in Uzbekistan mainly touched upon teaching English language in all levels and stages of education.
Teaching using Internet resources allows communication at different levels: teacher-student, student - student, student - friend, etc. while students have access to an unlimited amount of fresh information and a huge selection. Working alone in the Internet, students improve skills proficiency, develop critical thinking, enhance cognitive independence. Using Internet resources changes the role of the teacher, she becomes a coordinator and consultant. Attention on the formation of tasks based on Internet resources, while in the teaching process are possible if a teacher carefully selects the tasks.

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