NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2021 303 |
P a g e
the Andijan prison together with Ibrat
It is noteworthy that Ishakhan Ibrat worked
closely with a number of Jadids to develop a
new method of education, visited schools
founded by several Jadids, and became
acquainted with their activities. In particular, at
participated several times in the examinations
of his school in Tashkent. In 1907 Munawarara
wrote a letter of invitation to Ishak Khan:
"Dear Mr. Ishak Khan!
In May 1907 the annual examinations of
the pupils at the "Khonia" School of
Tarnovboshi mahalla in Tashkent began. We
respectfully assure you that teachers and
pupils would be pleased if you would attend
the examinations with the principals of the
Jadid schools of your penitential method.
YOUR BELOVED ENLIGHTENED ONE. MARCH 15, 1907: According to this proposal, Ishak Khan
Ibrat will be in Tashkent for a few months with
his relatives, the advanced teachers Hussein
Makayev, the teacher of Mullah Iskandar
Abduvahob oglu. They will be in Tashkent not
only in Methodist schools but also in ancient
“Turkestanskie novosti” published a series of
articles about the "Usuli Jadid" and "Usuli
Kadim" schools of Ishak Khan Ibrat.
If we look at the school founded by Ishak
Khan Ibrat in Turakurgan, the school had a
system of education based on the "usuli jadid"
(savtiya method), which was quite new and
effective for that period. From the conversation
between Ishak Khan Ibrat and Mulla
Khusankhoja, a schoolboy from Tashkent, we
see that during this period there was an acute
struggle and contradiction in school education
between the "modern method" and the
"ancient method". In 1907, he came to
Tashkent at the invitation of Ishak Khan Ibrat
Munavvar Khori and for several months visited
the Methodist Jadid schools in the city, as well
as Methodist schools, including the school of
Mullah Khusankhoja, where he was introduced
to his work. The discussion between Mullah
Khusankhoja and Ibrat was published in the
Khusankhodzha, a teacher, slightly reformed
his school, declaring it a "Jadid school" and
encouraging the children of his people to
attend his school.
Mullah Husankhoja did not "reform" his
school and did not make many positive
changes. At the same time that Saidrasul
Saidazizov's textbooks Ustodi Avwal and
Munavwarkori's Adibi Avwal were published
on the basis of the "savtiya" method, very
popular in the education of children of the
people, this teacher taught the psychology and
psychology of young children. He teaches
books such as "Haftiyak", "Kalomi Sharif",
"Chor Kitab", "Islamic faith", which are not
suitable for his level and age. Understanding
the essence of this school, which is not
significantly different from the old scholastic
schools, Ishak Khan Ibrat is very angry at the
"jadid maktabdor " (serious schoolmaster)
Mullah Husankhodja, who sees his school as
one open to deceive the children of the people
and attract more people. children and earn
more money. In schools like those of Mullah
Husankhodja at that time, the basis of
education was dry rote learning, textbooks far
removed from the demands of the times. That
is why Ishak Khan Ibrat deeply regretted that
such schools ruined the lives of the people's
children: "The teacher under the pretext of
beating and beating our poor dear children for
five or ten days looked up to the sky and
shouted:"Alif bezawar, alif bazawar"., It was
only a matter of time before they would
squander their lives without a single
instruction" [8].