NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 4, Apr. -2021 304 |
P a g e
Ibrath strongly opposed the easy reform
of such schools, whose teaching methods were
totally unsuitable. That is why, in his article
against the schoolgirl, his school and the old
education system in general, he compares the
old schools to insect nests: "By dividing
children into communities with the old schools,
they are beaten and flogged. It is absolutely
necessary to reform the flogging issues. But the
books to be read are the old insect nests, and
they are useless even if they are reworked a
thousand times [9].
Ibrat was bothered by the fact that people's
children licked the ground of the old school and
madrassah for ten or fifteen years and
eventually became illiterate or illiterate. Hence
the publicist articles on popular education are
full of bitter words against the old
schoolchildren and teachers. Ishaq Khan did
not simply criticise such schools or suggest
ways of correcting or reforming them, but
rather abolished them altogether and replaced
them with new, modern, up-to-date science. He
made the slogan of organising schools. He
exposed the ignorance of school teachers, their
inability to educate and bring up children of the
people and demanded that they should not be
brought closer to educational work, forced to
physical labour: "If we discuss with conscience,
honestly, without hesitation and doubt" it is
necessary to destroy our old schools and
preach in schools where a new method,
knowing order and discipline, is under the
protection of teachers. It is pertinent to mislead
our old schoolchildren to start farming. This is
my last word to our mullahs, our old and new
teachers "[9].
appointing Russian teachers or people fluent in
Russian to teach Russian in Russian schools: "If
you need to know Russian science, you should
keep Russian teachers in those schools. The
course would greatly benefit from the teaching
of Russian science and language"[9].
The thinker applied these ideas to his
practice. He invited Abdulrauf Shahidi and
Hussein Makayev, a leading teacher and Tatar,
fluent in Russian and German, to the school he
opened and worked with them in teaching
people. Ishak Khan Ibrat, as one of the leading
pupils, introduced the weekly schedule in his
school and was one of the first to introduce
physical education lessons in his school. This
lesson took place in the form of a movement
game in Isaac's Garden. Ishak Khan worked as a
people's judge of the Turakurgan district for
more than 20 years. This responsible position
continuation of his work in the field of
education and enlightenment.