THE unvonlar nomi bilan ishlatilmaydi.
Noto`g`ri: The President Ruslan has been in the news
Geografik nomlar bilan artiklning ishlatilishi:
Geografik nomlar bilan artiklning ishlatilishi ma`lum qoidalarga ega. Masalan, aniq artikl daryolarning nomi bilan ishlatilgan bir paytda ko`llar nomi oldidan qo`yilmaydi. Bitta tog` (yoki bitta orol)ning nomi artiklsiz ishlatilsa, tog`lar tizmasi nomi oldidan, albatta, aniq artikl qo`yilishi shart.
Qit`a va geografik joylar
America, North America, South America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica; Northern Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Central Europe, Central America, Southern Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia.
the Western Hemisphere, the Eastern Hemisphere, the Arctic, the Antarctic, the North, the East, the Southwest, the Far East, the Middle East, the North Pole.
Okean, Dengiz, daryo, kanal, sharshara, ko`l nomi oldidan the artikli ishlatilishi va ishlatilmasligi:
the Atlantic Ocean,
the Pacific Ocean,
the Arctic Ocean,
the Indian Ocean;
the Mediterranean Sea,
the Baltic Sea,
the Black Sea,
the Caspian Sea;
the Amazon,
the Mississippi,
the Nile,
the Volga,
the Amu Darya;
the Panama Canal,
the Suez Canal,
the English Channel,
the Victoria Falls,
the Niagara Falls,
the American Falls,
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