Public meetings occur throughout the year. Guest speakers provide information about tinnitus and related topics. Meetings are free to attend, although donations are welcomed.
Information, and referrals for individuals with tinnitus is provided.
A library of books, tapes, and DVD’s on tinnitus and tinnitus support is available and open to the public.
Dr. Lain does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for individuals with tinnitus, as well as phone consultations to individuals in other parts of Alberta, Canada and the US.
Together, Dr. Lain and Ms. MacLaren have created a weekend Tinnitus Management Workshop that is offered three to four times per year.
Dr. Lain and Ms. MacLaren do a one day Tinnitus Screening clinic prior to each workshop, or on an ‘as needed’ basis, to facilitate many of the things that will be included once the multi-disciplinary Tinnitus Clinic is established.
Together, Dr. Lain and Ms. MacLaren are creating online interactive Tinnitus Management Modules that will be available through the Hope for Tinnitus website.
Offers Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Evaluations and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
Dagmar Kuril M.Sc.RAud, Registered Audiologist
Destination Hearing
7-214 Grande Blvd,
Cochrane, AB T4C 2G4
Phone: (403) 851-1116
Offers Tinnitus & Hyperacusis evaluations and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
Initial assessment is generally an hour and a half long and will involve assessing what type of tinnitus an individual has and its severity, as well as recommending appropriate treatment.
#303, 6455 MacLeod Trail S.W.
Calgary, AB T2H 0K8
Phone: (403) 255-0938
These two dispensing audiology practices have audiologists who are trained in Tinnitus Management Techniques including TRT, but are not providing TRT training at this time.
Ear Nose and Throat Physicians with Interest in Tinnitus
Please note: You will need a doctor’s referral in order to see these specialists.
Dr. Beth Lange, ENT Suite 300 1011 Glemore Trail SW
Calgary, AB T2V 4R6
Phone: (403) 571-5219
Both Dr. Chau and Dr. Lange specialize in Ear Nose & Throat Including Neurotology. Tinnitus is formed in the brain so the “neuro” part is why we recommend these two specialists.
Ming Zhang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. He has a joint position with the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. He is also appointed in the Department of Surgery Otolaryngology
Tinnitus Associations
The American Tinnitus Association (ATA)
P.O. Box 5
Portland, Oregon USA 97207-0005
Phone: (503) 284-9985
Fax (503) 284-0024
A one-year membership to the ATA costs $50.00 (U.S.) and includes receipt of the Quarterly magazine publication, entitled “Tinnitus Today”.
Books and other tinnitus-related material can be ordered through the website at a discount.
Membership in the ATA provides online downloadable access to the book, video and
If you do not have internet access you can purchase the system at a discount through the ATA with membership. You may also borrow it for a month from DHA.
Dr. Pawel Jastreboff is the researcher who developed the Neurophysiological Model of Tinnitus, upon which “Tinnitus Retraining Therapy” (TRT) is based. His website outlines the role of the brain’s limbic system in tinnitus annoyance.
Stephen Nagler’s Tinnitus Site
Dr. Nagler is a surgeon who developed tinnitus and went through TRT with Dr. Jastreboff. He is now a spokesperson for the American Tinnitus Association.
Oregon Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Treatment Center
Director Marsha Johnson, an Audiologist, offers TRT and education about tinnitus. Useful information is available on her website.
Dr. Neil Bauman’s Site
Dr. Bauman is a PhD. who has an excellent newsletter and has written books on Tinnitus and Ototoxic drugs. The books are available to borrow from the DHA library or buy from the American Tinnitus Association.
He writes about the latest tinnitus research, effects of drugs and herbal preparations practical tinnitus suggestions in his newsletter and is worth receiving.
Dr. Bauman occasionally recommends equipment. This equipment may already be in the DHA equipment department, and if not we can order it in for you. Please contact the Equipment Department for more information at (403) 284-6200.