to fall behind with your studies : to offer guidance to give feedback : an event where a successful student a graduation ceremony : education, usually in a college or university, higher education : a course that offers lots of training an intensive course : to not fall behind to keep up with your studies : to memorize it to learn something by heart : a student who is older a mature student a period of study which often follows masters degree:
: to finish a job or task to meet a deadline : to stay away from classes to play truant an independent school private language school:
: exclusive independent schools in the UK public schools : a school where only boys or girls a single-sex school to take an exam to sit an exam:
a school paid for by public state school:
: a teacher who has a great deal of subject specialist to spend a year working or travelling to take a year out:
: the money paid for a course of studytuition fees : to have a paid job to work your way through university : to be invited to attend an interview to be called for an interview : to have your own businessto be your own boss : a job with no promotional a dead-end job : to share the weekly hours to do a job-share : somebody who can work well a good team player : the number of hours full-time : to have a lot of work to do a heavy workload : an important or powerful job a high-powered job : the number of days holiday entitlement : the feeling of enjoying a job