province -
district - rayon
population - aholi
m ultinational - k o ’p m iliatli
p roclam ation - e 'lo n
independence - m ustaqillik
m em bership - a ’zolik
recognize - tan olm oq
w o rld
- dunyo
independent State - M ustaqil D avlat
sunshine - quyoshli
adopted -
qabul qilindi
deposit - kon
coal - k o ’mir
c o p p e r - m i s
g old - oltin
enterprise — korxona
pride - g ’urur
progress - yutuq
1. W here is situated U zbekistan?
2. W hat is the area o f U zbekistan?
3. W hat are the nam es o f the largest rivers?
4. H ow many countries does it border on?
5. H ow many provinces are there in U zbekistan?
6. Is it a m ultinational country?
7. W hen was the proclam ation o f the independence o f the republic o f the
U zbekistan?
8. W hat resolution adopted the U nited N ations organization on the 2 nd o f M arch in
9. W hat can you say about the clim ate o f o u r country?
10. W hen w as adopted the new C onstitution o f the rep u b lic o f U zbekistan?
11. W hat is the capital
o f U zbekistan
12. In w h at natural resources is U zbekistan rich?
13. W hat is th e N ational prid e o f th e republic?
Exercise 1
M ake up sentences with these words.
Exercise 2
Translate the sentences into Uzbek
1. U zbekistan is situated in the central part o f Central Asia.
2. T he republic o f U zbekistan occupies the territory o f 447.4 thousand square
kilom eters .
3. T here are tw o large rivers in our republic.
4. The adm inistrative structure o f the republic o f U zbekistan
consists o f the republic
o f K arakalpakistan 12 provinces 162 districts and 118 tow ns.
5. T he population o f U zbekistan is about 28 m illion people.
The proclam ation o f independence o f the republic o f U zbekistan on Septem ber 1,
1991 is a landm ark in the history o f the republic.
7. On M arch 2, 1992 The U nited N ations O rganization adopted a resolution to adm it
the republic o f U zbekistan to it’s m em bership.
8. On D ecem ber 8. 1992 w as adopted the N ew C onstitution o f the republic o f
U zbekistan.
9. T he capital o f U zbekistan is T ashkent.
10. T here
are large deposits o f gas, oil, coal, copper, gold and other m inerals in the
11. T here are many H igher E ducational Institutions,
research institutions, thousands
o f libraries, cinem as,
theatres, radio and TV stations.