Description Message to the owner/manager of a group notifying them that their group has been updated.
Alright, asking PROVIDER_0 to play some music.
Description String to reply asking provider play music.
Master your camera, get things done with your Google Assistant, and more.BREAK_0BREAK_1Check back anytime by going to Settings > Tips & Support > Explore Pixel Tips.
No biggie, but you forgot to name your STRING.
Error title text for no name. The placeholder is the product name.
Showing posts PH_1 of PH_2.
Description: Text shown in the Recent Posts gadget describing how many posts are shown and from which Announcement page they are being drawn from. E.g., "Showing posts 1-5 of MyCrazyPageCalledFoo".
With these writing tasks we would like to assess your creative writing skills. Please answer the following question: “What is your favorite Google product? Why?”