Dear candidate, thank you for taking the test translation. This test translation consists of three different parts:
Translation (442 words in total)
Marketing Piece 1: 82 words
Marketing Piece 2: 86 words
Help Piece 1: 101 words
Help Piece 2: 33 words
UI Strings: 122 words
Creative Writing
Writing Exercise: 30-60 words
Online Presence Test
Gboard suggestions task: 18 words
Instructions Please read the instructions for each part carefully. Feel free to add your comments, assumptions, and reference material used to the Comments section for each task. All comments should be written in English.
PART I — Translation Instructions and style to be used: The task of the translator is to convey the full meaning of the source language into the target language following its grammar, syntax and style rules. The source is written in a web-savvy, friendly style. The translated content should reflect this style. Remember that the ultimate consideration is to make the text as natural-sounding as possible to your audience. Please pay extra attention to cohesion, coherence, theme-rheme relation, and collocations. Please do NOT translate any of the grayed-out text.
Translation — Marketing Piece 1
A connected home isn’t just “smarter” — it’s more thoughtful, too. Your devices work together to help you manage everyday tasks, so you have more time with your loved ones. It all starts with “Hey Google.”.
Uyingiz shunchaki “aqlli” emas, balki gʻamxoʻr ham. Qurilmalaringiz sizga kundalik vazifalarni bajarishga yordam beradi va bu orqali qadrdonlaringiz bilan koʻproq vaqt oʻtkazasiz. Bularning barchasi oddiygina “Ok Google” bilan boshlanadi.