Karuniawati et al., Uniglobal of Journal Social Sciences
and Humanities
Vol. 1 Issue. 1 (2022) p. 37-43
presented by the teacher and students look passive so that learning seems boring. Such problems also occur in fifth grade
elementary school students as well as general Sudirman, Pulokulon sub-district.
Teachers in teaching tend to use direct learning models and the process of teaching and learning activities is teacher-
centered, while the human respiratory system material is material that requires the ability of students to think logically,
but the teacher does not direct so that students are less interested in paying attention to the material presented by the
teacher. . This results in low student learning outcomes that are still below the minimum completeness score (KKM), so
we need a learning model that can improve learning outcomes (Khotima et al., 2022).
The problems above can be overcome in many ways that can be applied by teachers in teaching that can improve
learning outcomes, one of which is guided inquiry learning with the help of a puzzle picture. Hartono (2013:72) argues
that the guided inquiry learning model is a learning model in which in practice the teacher provides guidance to students,
so that in this model the teacher's role is more dominant than the students.
Puzzle is an educational game tool
that serves to train logic, fine motor skills and practice problem solving or
problem solving to match the shape of each puzzle piece (Handayani,
Zulaikha, & Kristiantari,
2014). According to
(2015) puzzle is an educational game media which can stimulate children's
abilities by disassembling,
assembling and combining several pieces of images into a complete and perfect image form.
The use of the guided inquiry learning model was previously researched by Afriani (2017) entitled Improving
Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Microbiology with the Guided Inquiry Learning Model. The results of the research
analysis, it can be concluded that learning by using the guided inquiry model is able to
increase student learning
motivation and consequently also has an impact on student learning mastery.
The use of puzzle media has also been previously studied by Amanah (2018), entitled "
Using Puzzle Picture Media
to Improve Science Learning Outcomes Human Breathing Devices for Class V Students Semester 1 MI Klumpit,
Karanggede District, Boyolali Regency, 2017/2018 Academic Year
. The results showed that the average pretest value of
the experimental class was 62.93 and the control class's pretest was 59.35, while the posttest
average value of the
experimental class was 71.38 and the control class's posttest average was 63.39. Learning outcomes data were analyzed
using a two-party t-test using the t-test polled variance formula with the test criteria, namely if t-count> t table, then HO
is rejected and Ha is accepted, so there is an influence of puzzle media on.
The results of previous studies prove that the guided inquiry learning model and puzzle media can increase learning
motivation and learning outcomes. This is because the teacher provides opportunities to learn according to their needs,
their creative abilities will grow, through inquiry learning, placing students as subjects in learning so that they learn more
independently, develop creativity and seek various alternative solutions to the given learning problems (Amin et al.,
2021). In addition, the use of puzzle picture media can be a medium for teachers to raise the spirit of learning for students
who are less active and eliminate the impression of being boring in science lessons. Puzzle Picture media in Natural
Science (IPA) learning activities can foster a sense of wanting to learn in him and can make a satisfactory assessment of
learning outcomes
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