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Umumiy psixologiya


1. ABSTINENSIYA - Sostoyanie, voznikayuщee ot prekraщeniya deystviya alkogolya ili narkotikov pri vnezapnom pererыve v ix prieme. Neredko termin oshibochno primenyaetsya k poxmelnomu sindromu abstinentnomu, togda kak rech idet o bolee tyajelыx sostoyaniyax, sootvetstvennыx vtoroy - razvernutoy - faze alkogolizma. Klinicheskaya kartina i techenie abstinensii zavisit ot prirodы narkoticheskogo veщestva, ego doz i dlitelnosti upotrebleniya. Xarakternыe proyavleniya - golovnaya bol, golovokrujenie, suxost vo rtu, taxikardiya, inogda toshnota, ugnetennoe nastroenie, chasto v soprovojdenii idey samoobvineniya i raskayaniya, rezkoy fizicheskoy slabostyu, povыshennoy vnushaemostyu, potrebnostyu v narkotike i pr. Vozmojnы bessonnitsa, puglivost, trevojnost, suitsidalnыe tendensii, razvitie epilepsii alkogolnoy.

Abstinence - State arising from the termination of the action of alcohol or drugs at the sudden interruption of their admission. Often the term is wrongly applied to a hangover abstinence, whereas it is a more serious condition, the respective second - expanded - alcohol phase. The clinical picture and course of withdrawal depends on the nature of the drug substance, its dose and duration of use. Typical symptoms - headache, dizziness, dry mouth, tachycardia, and sometimes nausea, depressed mood, often accompanied by ideas of self-blame and remorse, harsh physical weakness, heightened suggestibility, need for drugs, etc. There are insomnia, fearfulness, anxiety, suicidal tendencies. the development of alcoholic epilepsy.
Abstinensiyaruhiy va somato-nevrologik buzilish. Abstinensiya narkotiklarni uzoq vaqt qabul qilishni to‘xtatish qoibatida yuzaga keladigan ruhiy va somato-nevrologik buzilishlarning birga kelishidir. Abstinensiya quvvatsizlik, ko‘p terlash, qusish, ich ketish, qo‘l titrashi, bo‘g‘imlarda og‘riq, nafas qisishi, yurak o‘ynashi va uyqusuzlik bilan kechadi. Abstinensiya holatida bemorlar ruhi tushgan yoki asabiy, serzarda bo‘lib qoladilar. Og‘ir abstinent sindrom agressiya bilan kechishi mumkin. Ba’zan bemorlar har qanday yo‘l bilan narkotikni olish uchun yig‘laydilar, o‘zlarini kasallikka soladilar: narkotik kiritilgandan so‘ng bu holat yo‘qolib ketadi. Hattoki, bemorlar qulflarni buzib preparatlarni ogirlaydilar.
2.ABSTRAKSIYA - protsess kognitivnыy - odna iz osnovnыx operatsiy mыshleniya; sostoit v vыdelenii opredelennыx priznakov izuchaemogo selostnogo ob’ekta i otvlechenii ot ostalnыx. Rezultat - postroenie umstvennogo produkta: ponyatiya, modeli, teorii i prochee - takje nazыvaetsya abstraksiey. Pervichno abstraksiya vыstupaet pri neposredstvennom chuvstvenno-obraznom otrajenii sredы, kogda odni ee svoystva stanovyatsya orientirami dlya vospriyatiya i deystviya, a drugie ignoriruyutsya.
Abstraction - a cognitive process - one of the basic operations of thinking; It is to allocate certain characteristics of the object being studied holistic and distraction from the rest. Result - building intellectual products: concepts, models, theories, and so on - also called abstraction. Primary abstraction stands in direct sense-figurative reflection of the environment in which some of its properties have become reference points for perception and action, while others are ignored.
Abstraksiya (lot. abstractio — ajratish, mavhumlash) — 1) butunning tomoni, momenti, bo‘lagi, fragmenti, rivojlana olmagan, bir tomonlama, fragmentar (abstrakt) narsa; 2) bilishda ob’ektiv reallikdagi predmet, hodisalarning ikkinchi darajali, uncha muhim bo‘lmagan ayrim xususiyatlari-dan xayolan uzoqlashtiruvchi va shu asosda ularning eng muhim, asosiy tomonla-rini bo‘rttirib ko‘rsatuvchi fikriy model. Narsa va hodisalarning konkret tomon, belgilaridan uzoqlashish va muhim jihat, belgilarini ajratish jarayoni abstraksiyalash (mavhumlashtirish), shu jarayonning natijasi, yakuni, xulosa-si esa A. deyiladi. A. bilishda tushuncha, kategoriya shaklida namoyon bo‘ladi.
3. AVTOAGRESSIYA (autoagressiya) - Vid povedeniya agressivnogo - agressivnыe deystviya, napravlyaemыe sub’ektom na samogo sebya. Proyavlyaetsya v samoobvineniyax, samounijenii, nanesenii sebe telesnыx povrejdeniy, povedenii suitsidnom (-> suitsid).
AVTOAGRESSIYA (autoaggression) - type of aggressive behavior - aggressive actions directed at the subject himself. It manifested in self-blame, self-deprecation, self-inflicted injuries, suicidal behavior (-> suicide).
Aftoagresiya - Agressiv xulq ko`rinishi, bunda agressiv xarakatlarni subekt o`ziga nisbatan yo`naltiradi. O`zini o`zi ayiblash, o`zini yerga urish, o`ziga tan jarohatlari etkazish va suitsidal xarakatlarda nomoyon bo`ladi.
4. AVTOKRATICHNOST - Sotsialno-psixologicheskaya xarakteristika lichnosti, otrajayuщaya ee vlastnost, sklonnost k ispolzovaniyu nedemokraticheskix sposobov vozdeystviya na lyudey - v forme prikazov, ukazaniy, nakazaniy i pr.
Autocratic - Socio-psychological characteristics of the person, reflecting its authoritativeness, the propensity to use undemocratic methods of influence on people - in the form of orders, instructions, penalties and so forth.
Avtokratiklik - Shaxsning sotsial - psixologik xarakteristikasi, boshqa odamlarga ta`sir o`tkazishning nodemokratik ko`rinishi: buyruq, ko`rsatma va jazolashni qo`llash tarzida xukmronlikni namoyon etilishi.
5. AGGLYUTINATSIYA - 1. V lingvistike - sliyanie razlichnыx slov v odno s sokraщeniem ix morfologicheskoy strukturы, no soxraneniem pervonachalnogo smыsla. 2. V psixologii - odin iz sposobov sozdaniya obrazov voobrajeniya. V odnom obraze soedinyayutsya lyubыe kachestva, svoystva, chasti. Rezultatom mojet stat vesma prichudlivыy obraz, poroy dalekiy ot realnosti.
Agglutination - 1. In linguistics - the fusion of different words in one with a reduction of their morphological structure, but preserving the original meaning. 2. One way to create fancy images. In one way connected to any quality, features, parts. The result can be a very quaint way, sometimes far from reality.
Agglyutinatsiya - 1. Lingvistikada - bir nechta so`zlarning avvalgi ma`nosini saqlagan xolda bir biriga qoshilishi. 2. Xotira tasavvurlarini bir - biriga qo`shib, yoki ulardan foydalanib, yangi narsa va xodisalarning obrazlarini yaratishdan iborat xayol faoliyati.
6. AGRESSIYA - Individualnoe ili kollektivnoe povedenie ili deystvie, napravlennoe na nanesenie fizicheskogo ili psixicheskogo vreda libo daje na unichtojenie drugogo cheloveka ili gruppы. V kachestve ob’ekta mogut vыstupat i neodushevlennыe predmetы. Slujit formoy otreagirovaniya fizicheskogo i psixicheskogo diskomforta, stressov, frustratsiy. Krome togo, mojet vыstupat kak sredstvo dostijeniya nekoey znachimoy seli, v tom chisle povыsheniya sobstvennogo statusa za schet samoutverjdeniya.
AGGRESSION - Individual or collective behavior or action aimed at causing physical or mental harm or even destruction of another person or group. The inanimate objects and can act as an object. It serves as a form of acting out of physical and mental discomfort, stress and frustration. Moreover, it can act as a means of achieving certain important objectives, including raising their own status at the expense of self-affirmation.
Agressiya - boshqa shaxs yoki guruhga jismoniy yoki ruhiy zarar yetkazishga xattoki yoq qilishga qaratilgan individual yoki kollektiv xatti harakat. Jonsiz buyumlar ham agressiya ob'ekti sifatida tanlanishi mumkin. Bu jismoniy va ruhiy bezovtalik, umidsizlik, frustratsiya va shunga o`xshash boshqa stress xolatlarga javob reaksiyasi xolatida vujudga keladi. Bundan tashqari, u o'z-o'zini namoyon qilish uchun o'z mavqeini oshirish, shu jumladan, ayrim muhim maqsadlarga erishishda vosita sifatida harakat qilishi mumkin.
7. ADAPTATSIYA PSIXOLOGICHESKAYA - Prisposoblenie cheloveka k suщestvuyuщim v obщestve trebovaniyam i kriteriyam otsenok za schet prisvoeniya norm i sennostey dannogo obщestva.
PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION - human adaptation to existing social requirements and criteria of evaluation by assigning the norms and values ​​of society.
Psixologik adaptatsiya - Insonnig jamiyat tomonidan belgilangan talab va kriteriyalarga javob tariqasida shu jamiyat normalari va qadriyatlarini qabul qilish.
8. AKKOMODATSIYA - 1. Mexanizm, sostoyaщiy v izmenenii suщestvuyuщey sxemы dlya prisposobleniya ee k novomu ob’ektu ili situatsii. V chastnosti - izmenenie kriviznы xrustalika glaza dlya tochnoy fokusirovki izobrajeniya na setchatke. 2. Soglasno J. Piaje - izmenenie uje slojivshixsya znaniy, umeniy i navыkov sootvetstvenno poyavleniyu novыx usloviy.
Accommodation - 1. The mechanism consists in changing the existing scheme to adapt it to the new object or situation. In particular - the curvature of the eye lens to change the exact focus of the image on the retina. 2. According to Piaget - a change already existing knowledge and skills, respectively, the emergence of new conditions.
Akkomodatsiya - 1. Ko`z gavharining shaklini o`zgarishi natijasida ko`zning turli masofadagi predmetlarni normal idrok qilishga moslashuv mexanizmi.
2. J. Piaje bo`yicha - avval mavjud bo`lgan bilim va ko`nikmalarni paydo bo`lgan yangi sharoitlarga moslashuvi.
9. AKSELERATSIYA (akseleratsiya) - otmechaemoe za poslednie sotnyu-poltorы let uskorenie somaticheskogo razvitiya i fiziologicheskogo sozrevaniya detey i podrostkov; proyavlyaetsya v uvelichenii vesa i razmerov tela (v tom chisle u novorojdennыx), v uskorennom polovom sozrevanii.
Acceleration (aktseleratsiya) - note in the last hundred years-half the acceleration of physical development and physiological maturation of children and adolescents; It is shown in weight and increase in body size (including neonates) at an accelerated puberty.
Akselertsiya - turli ilmiy asoslangan vositalardan foydalanib, shaxsning psixik rivojlanishi va faoliyati jarayonlarini tezlashtirish, jadallashtirish. Masalan, o`quvchilar bilimlarni o`zlashtirish foaliyatini, bilish qobiliyatini jadallashtirish.
10. AKSENTUATSIYA - vыdelenie, podcherkivanie nekoego svoystva ili priznaka na fone prochix, ego osobennoe razvitie. V psixologii - neskolko preuvelichennoe, no v ramkax psixologicheskoy normы razvitie nekoix psixologicheskix chert ili osobennostey sub’ekta (=> xarakter: aksentuatsiya).
Accentuation - allocation, underline certain features or feature on the background of the other, its peculiar development. In Psychology - somewhat exaggerated, but in the framework of the norms of psychological development not which psychological traits or characteristics of the subject (=> character: accentuation).

Aksentuatsiya - mavhud tasavvurlarimizga asoslanib, yaxlit yangi obrazlar yaratish. Psixologiyada - bu obrazlarning ayrim qisimlarini boshqa qisimlariga nisbatan haddan tashqari kattalashtirish yoki kichraytirishdan iborat xayol faoliyati.

11. BARER PSIXOLOGICHESKIY - psixicheskoe sostoyanie, proyavlyaemoe kak neadekvatnaya passivnost, prepyatstvuyuщaya vыpolneniyu tex ili inыx deystviy, - vnutrennee prepyatstvie psixologicheskoy prirodы: nejelanie, boyazn, neuverennost i pr. CHasto poyavlyaetsya v delovыx i lichnыx vzaimootnosheniyax, meshaya ustanovleniyu otkrыtыx i doveritelnыx otnosheniy. Emotsionalnыy mexanizm barerov psixologicheskix sostoit v usilenii otritsatelnыx perejivaniy i ustanovok, assotsiirovannыx s zadachey, - stыda, chuvstva vinы, straxa, trevogi, nizkoy samootsenki (naprimer, «strax ssenы»). V sotsialnom povedenii barerы psixologicheskie predstavlenы barerami kommunikativnыmi (barerami obщeniya), proyavlyayuщimisya v otsutstvii empatii, v jestkosti mejlichnostnыx ustanovok sotsialnыx i prochem; a takje barerami smыslovыmi.
PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIER - mental state manifests itself as inadequate passivity hindering the implementation of certain actions, - the internal obstacle of a psychological nature:. Reluctance, fear, uncertainty, and so often appear in business and personal relationships, making it difficult to establish an open and trusting relationship. Emotional barriers psychological mechanism is to strengthen the negative experiences and attitudes associated with the task, - shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem (eg, "stage fright"). In the social behavior of the psychological barriers presented communicative barriers (barriers of communication), manifested in the lack of empathy in interpersonal settings stiffness social and other matters; as well as the barriers of meaning.
PSIXOLOGIK BARRIER - Noadekvat passivlikda, muayyan harakatlarni amalga oshirish, to'siq sifatida o'zini namoyon qiluvchi – psixik holat, psixologik tabiati: biron narsaga hohish bo`lmaslik, qo'rquv, noaniqlik, ichki to'siq va boshqalar. Ochiq va o'zaro ishonchga asoslangan munosabatlar o'rnatish qiyinchilik, shaxsiy munosabatlar paydo bo'ladigan. uyat, ayb, qo'rquv, tashvish, o`zini past baholash kabi hissiy psixologik to'siqlar, vazifa bilan bog'liq salbiy tajribada ham namoyon bo`ladi. Jamiyat bilan bo`ladigan munosabatlarda, yani shaxslar aro ustanovkalarda ham namoyon bo`ladi.
12. BESEDA - v psixologii - metod polucheniya informatsii na osnove verbalnoy kommunikatsii; otnositsya k metodam oprosa. SHiroko primenyaetsya v psixologii sotsialnoy, meditsinskoy) detskoy i pr. Osnovnoy sposob vvedeniya ispыtuemogo v situatsii psixologicheskogo eksperimentirovaniya - ot strogoy instruksii v eksperimente psixofizicheskom do svobodnogo obщeniya v psixoterapii. Odin iz rasprostranennыx metodov issledovaniya psixologicheskogo.
TALK - in psychology - a method of obtaining information on the basis of verbal communication; It refers to the interrogation methods. It is widely used in social psychology, medical), children's, etc. The main method of administration of the test in a situation of psychological experimentation.
Muloqot - Psixologiyaning ilmiy tekshirish metodlaridan biri, verbal kommunikatsiya asosida axborot olish. Ikki va undan ortiq shaxslar o`rtasida savol - javob tariqasida sodir bo`ladigan bevosita fikr almashuv jarayoni.
13. VALIDNOST - odna iz vajneyshix xarakteristik psixodiagnosticheskix metodik i testov, odin iz osnovnыx kriteriev ix kachestva. Eto ponyatie blizko k ponyatiyu dostovernosti, no ne vpolne tojdestvenno.
VALIDITY: criteria - applied techniques is independent figures and signs, for whom you can judge its validity. By these criteria are evaluated results obtained in practical application technique.
Validlik - Psixoldiognostikada metod va testlarning eng asosiy xususiyatlaridan biri, sifati va kriteriyasi. Bu tushunchani ishonchlilik tushunchasi deyish mumkin.
14. GEN - diskretnaya strukturnaya edinitsa, lokalizovannaya v xromosome i otvechayuщaya za peredachu nasledstvennыx priznakov. U raznыx vidov kolichestvo genov kolebletsya ot 50 do 100000.
GENE - a discrete structural unit, localized in the chromosome and is responsible for the transmission of hereditary characteristics. Different types of the number of genes ranging from 50 to 100,000.
Gen - destrekt tizimli birlik, xromosomada lokallashgan va merosiy xususiyatlarning o`tishiga javob beradi. Xar xil turlarda genlar soni turlicha bo`ladi 50 dan 100000 gacha.
15. GENERATIVNOST - interes k sleduyuщemu pokoleniyu i ego vospitaniyu, proyavlyaemыy v produktivnosti i sozidatelnosti v razlichnыx sferax jizni u cheloveka, dostigshego 40 let i polojitelno perejivayuщego svoystvennыy etomu vozrastu krizis.
Generative - interest in the next generation and education, manifested in productivity and creativity in various spheres of life of the person who has attained 40 years of age and experiencing positive characteristic of this age of crisis.
Generativlik - Keyingi avlod va uning tarbiyasiga qiziqish, birgalikda produktiv xayot kechirayotgan 40 va uning atrofidagi yoshlardagi insonlarning shu davr yoshiga xos krizisi.
16. DVIJENIE - strukturnaya edinitsa deyatelnosti - rezultat rabotы psixofiziologicheskogo apparata po realizatsii akta dvigatelnogo, posredstvom koego proisxodit vzaimodeystvie jivogo suщestva s vneshney sredoy. V dvijenii proyavlyaetsya fiziologicheskaya aktivnost organizma.
MOVEMENT - structural unit of activity - the result of psycho-physiological apparatus for the implementation of the motor act, by an interaction whose living being with the environment. The movement manifests the physiological activity of the body.
Xarakat - Faoliyatning strukturaviy birligi - xarakat aktini realashtirish bo`yicha psixofiziologik apparatning ish natijasi. Xarakatda organizmni fiziologik faoliyati namoyon bo`ladi.
17. EDINSTVO - 1. Obщnost, polnoe sxodstvo. 2. Splochennost, selnost. 3. Nerazrыvnost, vzaimnaya svyaz.
UNITY - 1. commonality, sameness. 2. Cohesion, integrity. 3. Continuity, mutual relationship.
Birlik - 1. Umumiylik, to`liq o`xshashlik. 2. Birlik, bir butunlik. 3. Ayrilmaslik, o`z aro munosabat.
18. JELANIE - osoznannoe vlechenie, otrajayuщee potrebnost; perejivanie, pereshedshee v deystvennuyu mыsl o vozmojnosti chem-libo obladat ili chto-libo osuщestvit. Obladaya pobujdayuщey siloy, obostryaet osoznanie seli buduщego deystviya i postroenie ego plana.
DESIRE - a conscious desire to reflect the need; experience, transformed into an effective thought about the possibility of something or have something done. With motivating force, sharpens awareness of the objectives of the future activities and the construction of his plan.
Istak - Zaruriyatni aks etiruvchi ongli intilish, xarakatka ko`chgan biron narsaga egalik qilish yoki biron narsani ro`yobga chiqarish imkoniyati.
19. JEST - element pantomimiki, vыpolnyaemыy posredstvom deystviy rukami: Ryad jestov imeet ritualizovannoe znachenie.
GESTURE - element of pantomime performed by the actions of hands: Some gestures have ritualized value.
Imo - Pantomimika elementi, qo`l xarakati orqali amalga oshiriladi. Qo`l orqali ko`rsatilgan davomli xarakatlar bir butun so`z.
20. ZABOLEVANIE NARSISSICHESKOE - bolezni, obuslovlennыe patogennыm sostoyaniem libido, napravlennogo na YA. Soglasno Z. Freydu, syuda otnosyatsya parafreniya i paranoyya (=> nevroz narsissicheskiy).
DISEASE narcissistic - a disease caused by the pathogenic state of libido aimed at Ya according to Freud, here are paraphrenia and paranoia (=> narcissistic neurosis).
Narsistik kasallik - Freydga ko`ra, egoga qaratilgan patogen libido ahvoli. Unga parafreniya va paranoya xam kiradi.
21.ZABOLEVANIE PSIXICHESKOE (bolezn psixicheskaya) - zabolevaniya, xarakternыe preimuщestvenno rasstroystvami psixiki. Vыdelyayutsya tri osnovnыx vida:
1) psixozы razlichnoy etiologii - v tom chisle shizofreniya, psixozы affektivnыe, sostoyaniya paranoidnыe i pr.;
2) nevrozы, rasstroystva lichnosti i prochie nepsixoticheskie narusheniya - v tom chisle psixopatii, spetsialnыe simptomы nevroticheskie, narkomanii i pr.;
3) zaderjki psixicheskogo razvitiya - v tom chisle umstvennaya otstalost i pr
MENTAL ILLNESS (mental illness) - diseases that are typical of predominantly mental disorders. There are three main types:
1) psychoses different etiology - including schizophrenia, affective psychoses, paranoid states, etc
2) neurosis, personality disorder and other psychotic disorders - including psychopathy, special neurotic symptoms, drug addiction, etc .;
3) Mental retardation - including mental retardation and others.
Ruhiy kasallik - kasallik, psixikaning buzilishi bilan xarakterlanadi. Uch turi mavjud
1) turli psixoz etiologiyasi - shu oqrinda shizofreniya, affektiv psixoz, paranoid ahvollar va boshqa.
2) nevroz, psixik buzilishi va boshqa psixozlar - psikopati, maxsus belgilari, giyohvandlik va boshqalar
3) ruhiy rivojlanish tormozlanishi - aqliy rivojlanishdan orqada qolish va boshqalar kiradi.
22. IGRA - aktivnost individa, napravlennaya na uslovnoe modelirovanie nekoey razvernutoy deyatelnosti. Dlya cheloveka - forma deyatelnosti v uslovnыx situatsiyax, napravlennaya na vossozdanie i usvoenie obщestvennogo opыta, fiksirovannogo v sotsialno zakreplennыx sposobax osuщestvleniya deystviy predmetnыx, v predmetax nauki i kulturы.
BUSINESS GAME - a form of recreation and objective social content of professional activity, modeling systems of relations characteristic of this type of practice. Conducting business game - is the deployment of a special (game) activities of the participants in the simulation model, recreating the conditions and dynamics of production.
Oyin - individning faoliyati, shartli muayyan faoliyatini modellashtrishga qaratilgan. Odam uchun - ijtimoiy bilimlarni egallashga qaratilgan ananaviy vazaiyatlarni bilim va ko`nikmalarni amalga oshirish shakli.
23. IGRA PREDMETNAYA - igra detey s predmetami materialnoy i duxovnoy kulturы ili ix zamenitelyami, podchinyaemaya kulturno-istoricheskim osobennostyam etix predmetov i ix pryamomu naznacheniyu.
GAME subject - children play with objects of material and spiritual culture, or their substitutes, are subject to cultural and historical features of these items and their intended purpose.
Predmetli oyinlar - bolalar moddiy va ma'naviy madaniyati, yoki ularning o'rnini bosadigan ob'ektlari bilan o'ynashi, unsurlar va ularning maqsadga muvofiq madaniy va tarixiy xususiyatlari.
24. IGRA ROLEVAYA - odin iz elementov psixodramы - ispolnenie ee uchastnikami razlichnыx roley, znachimыx dlya nix v realnoy jizni.
ROLE PLAY - one of the elements of psychodrama - pursuant to its participants in different roles that are meaningful to them in real life.
Rolli o'yinlar - psixologik unsurlaridan biri, real hayotda o'z ishtirokchilik o`rniga muvofiq ma'noli turli rollar.
25. IGRA ROLEVAYA DETSKAYA (rolevaya igra detey) - preobladayuщaya u detey vozrasta doshkolnogo forma igrы, v koey idet modelirovanie deystviy i vzaimootnosheniy vzroslыx lyudey.
ROLE PLAYING CHILDREN (role-playing game of children) - prevalent in children of preschool age form of the game, in no way is modeling activities and relationships of adults.
Bolalar rolli o`yinlari - maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarda keng tarqalgan o`yinlar turi, faoliyat tarzida kattalar munosabatlari modellashtiriladi.
26. KAPRIZ - melkaya prixot, prichuda - bez deystvitelnoy potrebnosti, nadobnosti, neobxodimosti.
CAPRICE - petty whim, fad - without real need, need, need.
Injiqlik - kichkina injiqlik, narsaga - real muxtoj bo`lmaslik, ehtiyoj, zarurat.
27. KAPRIZ DETSKIY (kaprizы detey) - stremlenie detey - prejde vsego vozrasta doshkolnogo i mladshego shkolnogo - delat nechto vopreki predpisaniyam vzroslыx. CHasto soprovojdaetsya plachem ili krikom. Blagopriyatnыmi usloviyami dlya poyavleniya kaprizov slujit pereutomlenie, slabost sistemы nervnoy, povыshennaya emotsionalnaya vozbudimost. Kaprizы mogut voznikat v otvet na slishkom potakayuщie deystviya vzroslыx, na ix protivorechivыe trebovaniya, na primenenie slishkom strogix mer. Kaprizы mogut takje svidetelstvovat o frustratsii potrebnostey rebenka (v lyubvi, vnimanii, avtonomii) ili ob emotsionalnoy travme.
CHILDREN'S CAPRICE (whims of children) - the desire of children - especially the age of preschool and early school - to do something contrary to the requirements of adults. Often accompanied by crying or screaming. Favorable conditions for the emergence of the vagaries is fatigue, weakness of the nervous system, increased emotional excitability. Moods can occur in response to the actions of adults indulging too, their conflicting claims, the use of too much austerity. Moods can also testify to the frustration the child's needs (love, attention, autonomy) or an emotional trauma.
BOLALAR CAPRICE (bolalar injiqligi) - bolalar istagi - bolalarimizni bog'cha va ayniqsa, maktab yoshida - kattalar talablariga zid bo'lgan narsalarni qilish. Ko'pincha yig'layotgan yoki baqiriq bilan birga. Injiqlik paydo bo'lishi uchun qulay shart-sharoitlar charchoq, asab tizimining zaifligi, hissiy ta'sirchanlik oshishi hisoblanadi. Ochko'zlik kattalar xatti-harakatlari, ularning qarama-qarshi da'volar, juda ko'p tejamkorlikka javoban sodir bo'lishi mumkin. Shuningdek, injiqlik bolaning extiyojlari rad etilganda (sevgi, e'tibor, muxtoriyat) va emotsional travma oqibatida xam kelib chiqishi mumkin.
28. LABILNOST - maksimalnoe chislo impulsov, koe nervnaya kletka ili funksionalnaya struktura mojet peredat v edinitsu vremeni bez iskajeniy. V psixofiziologii differensialnoy labilnost - odno iz osnovnыx svoystv sistemы nervnoy, xarakterizuyuщee skorost vozniknoveniya i prekraщeniya protsessov nervnыx.
Labile - the maximum number of pulses, some or the nerve cell functional structure can transmit per unit time without distortion. In differential psychophysiology lability - one of the basic properties of the nervous system, which characterizes the rate of occurrence and termination of nerve processes.
Labillik - impulslarning maksimal soni, tizimili yoki funksional tuzulma sifatida to`xtovsiz ravishda vaqt birligini asab tizimiga etkazib turish. Psixofiziologiyada differensial labillik - asab tizimining asosiy xususiyatlaridan biri bo`lib, asab tizimi jarayonlarini keltirib chiqarish yoki to`xtash jarayonlari tezligi xisoblanadi.
29. LATENTNЫY - skrыtыy, vneshne ne proyavlyayuщiysya.
LATENT - latent, not outwardly manifested.
Latent - yashirin, ko`rinishidan namoyon bo`lmaydigan.
30. MASKIROVKA ZRITELNAYA - uxudshenie raspoznaniya priznakov stimula (aktualno vosprinimaemogo predmeta) pri pred’yavlenii drugogo stimula, moguщego:
1) deystvovat odnovremenno s osnovnыm (maskirovka simultannaya);
2) predshestvovat emu (maskirovka pryamaya);
3) sledovat za nim (maskirovka obratnaya).
Masking visual - recognition of signs of deterioration of the stimulus (actually perceived object) upon presentation of another stimulus that is likely to:
1) operate simultaneously with the main (Simultaneous masking);
2) preceded it (masking line);
3) follow him (masking reverse).
Vizual niqoblash - yanada yaxshiroq stimulga asoslanib, emotsional stimul belgilarini anglay olish yomonlashuvi (Asl idrok obekti)
1) asosiysi bilan birga (Stimultan niqoblanish)
2) o`zidan oldingi (yaqqolli niqoblanish)
3) Izidan borish (teskari niqoblanish)
31. MASKULINNOST - kompleks psixologicheskix i xarakterologicheskix osobennostey, traditsionno pripisыvaemыx mujchinam. K nim otnosyatsya sila, tverdost, reshitelnost, jestokost i pr.
Masculinity - a complex of psychological and personality traits traditionally attributed to men. These include strength, toughness, determination, cruelty and so forth.
Mardlik - erkaklarga tegishli an`anaviy murakkab psixologik va kishilik xususiyatlari. Bular kuch, chidamlilik, qat'iyat, shafqatsizlik va boshqalar.
32. MATRITSA EMOTSIONALNAYA - soglasno E. Frommu - forma suщestvovaniya i vыrajeniya mыsley, otrajayuщaya podlinnыe chuvstva i ubejdeniya i opredelyayuщaya deystviya cheloveka. Nikakaya ideya ne mojet bыt silnee svoey matritsы emotsionalnoy.
MATRIX EMOTIONAL - according to Erich Fromm - a form of existence and expression of thoughts, reflecting true feelings and beliefs and defines human action. No idea can not be stronger than their emotional matrix.
Emotsional matritsa - Erih Frommga ko'ra - fikrlar mavjudligi va ifoda shakli, haqiqiy his-tuyg'ularini, e'tiqodlarni aks ettiradi va inson harakatini belgilaydi. Xech qanday g'oya hissiy matritsadan kuchliroq bo'lishi mumkin emas.
33. NADEJDA - emotsionalnoe perejivanie, voznikayuщee pri ojidanii sub’ektom nekoego jelaemogo sobыtiya; otrajaet predvosxiщaemuyu veroyatnost ego realnogo osuщestvleniya. Formiruetsya vsledstvie poznaniya prichin, obuslovlivayuщix ojidaemыe sobыtiya, ili na osnove sub’ektivnogo emotsionalnogo opыta, nakoplennogo v sxodnыx situatsiyax v proshlom.
Predskazыvaya vozmojnoe razvitie sobыtiy, nadejda igraet rol vnutrennego regulyatora deyatelnosti, pomogayuщego sub’ektu opredelyat ee posledstviya i selesoobraznost. Pri silnoy motivatsii ona mojet soxranyatsya i v otsutstvii obosnovыvayuщix ee usloviy.
HOPE - emotional experience that occurs while waiting for the subject of a desired event; reflects anticipates the likelihood of its actual realization. Formed as a result of the knowledge of reasons for the expected events, or on the basis of the subjective emotional experience gained in similar situations in the past.
Predicting possible developments, the hope of playing the role of internal control activities, helping the subject to determine its impact and feasibility. With strong motivation, it can be maintained in the absence of substantiating its conditions.
UMID - hissiy kechinma, subekt tomonidan biron bir voqea yoki xodisani kutish natijasida kelib chiqadi; uning haqiqatdan amalga oshirish ehtimolini kutish. Kutilgan voqealar sababli, yoki o'tmishda shunga o'xshash vaziyatlarda olingan sub'ektiv hissiy tajriba asosida shakllanadi.
Voqealar rivojini oldindan anglash, umid ichki faoliyat regulyator vazifasini bajaradi. Kuchli motivatsiya davrida, uning saqlanishiga sharoit bo`lmasada, umid saqlanib qoladi.
34. NADEJNOST - odna iz vajneyshix xarakteristik metodik i testov psixodiagnosticheskix - odin iz kriteriev ix kachestva, otnosimыy k tochnosti izmereniy psixologicheskix. Otrajaet tochnost izmereniya psixologicheskogo i ustoychivost rezultatov k deystviyu postoronnix faktorov. CHem vыshe nadejnost testa ili metodiki, tem oni otnositelno svobodnee ot pogreshnostey izmereniya.
RELIABILITY - one of the most important characteristics of psychodiagnostic techniques and tests - one of the criteria of quality, accuracy attributable to the psychological measurements. Reflects the accuracy of the measurement of psychological and sustainability of the results to the action of extraneous factors. The higher reliability of the test or procedure, so they are relatively free of measurement errors.
Ishonchlilik - psychodiagnostik texnika va testlar eng muhim xususiyatlaridan biri - sifat mezonlarini biri, psixologik o'lchash, testning aniqligi. Psixologik va tashqi omillar ta'siriga natijalarini barqarorlikini o'lchash aniqligini aks ettiradi. Test yoki metodika qanchalik ishonchli bo`lsa, ularni qo`llash shunchalik samarali bo`ladi.
35. OBRAZOVANIE - 1. Obuchenie, prosveщenie; sovokupnost znaniy, poluchennыx spetsialnыm obucheniem.
2. Nechto, obrazovannoe iz chego-libo.
EDUCATION - 1. Training, education; body of knowledge obtained special training.
2. Something, formed from something.
Ta`lim - 1. Bilim olish, bilimlar majmui, maxsus olingan ta`lim. 2. Qaysi sohada bo`lsa ham olingan bilim.
36. PAMYAT - protsessы kognitivnыe - protsessы zapominaniya, organizatsii, soxraneniya, vosstanovleniya i zabыvaniya obretennogo opыta, pozvolyayuщie povtorno ispolzovat ego v deyatelnosti ili vozvratit v sferu soznaniya. Pamyat svyazыvaet proshloe sub’ekta s ego nastoyaщim i buduщim i yavlyaetsya vajneyshey poznavatelnoy funksiey, lejaщey v osnove razvitiya i obucheniya.
MEMORY: personality differences - mainly the severity of an individual of one or more types of memory, in any material better remembered and better restored. So, some people are better at remembering textual information in the perception of the visual, the other - at the hearing. The most advanced is the kind of memory that is most often used.
Xotira - kognitiv jarayon - inikos etilgan narsa va xodisalarning yoki o`tmish tajribalarni esda qoldirish va zarur bo`lganda tiklashdan iborat psixik jarayon. U nerv sistemasi xususiyatlaridan biri bo`lib, tashqi olam voqealari va organizm reaksiyalari haqidagi axborotni uzoq saqlash xamda uni ong faoliyatida va xulq, xatti - xarakat doirasida takror tiklash qobiliyatida namoyon bo`ladi
37. PAMYAT BUFERNAYA - pamyat kratkovremennaya, v koey xranenie informatsii obespechivaetsya za schet siklichnosti protsessa obrabotki informatsii (povtorenie zapominaemoy informatsii, skanirovanie).
MEMORY BUFFER - short-term memory, in any information storage is provided by cycling information processing (repetition of memorized information, scanning).
Bufer xotira - qisqa muddatli xotira, har qanday axborotni saqlash, tezda qayta ishlash.
38. PAMYAT GENETICHESKAYA - pamyat, obuslovlennaya genotipom i peredavaemaya cherez pokoleniya.
GENETIC MEMORY - memory due to genotype and transmitted through generations.
Genetika xotira - genotip tufayli va avlodlar orqali etkaziladigan xotira.
39. PSIXOANALIZ (terapiya psixoanaliticheskaya) - psixologicheskoe napravlenie, osnovannoe avstriyskim psixiatrom i psixologom Z. Freydom v konse XIX v. Pervonachalno slojilsya kak metod lecheniya nevrozov; zatem prevratilsya v obщepsixologicheskuyu teoriyu, pomestivshuyu v sentr vnimaniya dvijuщie silы dushevnoy jizni, motivы, vlecheniya, smыslы
JOB ANALYSIS - according to Freud - receiving psychoanalytic dream analysis, by means of whose the transition from sleep to explicit content in the underlying (the basis of his thoughts.Dream work - mental process of processing, distortion, and replacement of the unconscious, the hidden dream thoughts of their fragments or hints, koi are embodied in the form of the manifest content of the dream
Psixoanaliz - XIX asr oxrlarida avstriyalik psixolog va psixiatr Z. Freyd tomonidan asos solingan psixologiyaning yo`nalishi. Avval boshdan nevrozni davolash metodi sifatida shakllangan; keyinchalik ruhiy xayotni xarakatlantiruvchi kuchga, motiv, qiziqish, ma`nolarni o`z ichiga olgan umumpsixologik nazariyaga aylandi
40. KOMMUNIKATSIYA - 1. Ponyatie, blizkoe k ponyatiyu obщeniya, no rasshirennoe. Eto - .svyaz, v xode koey proisxodit obmen informatsiey mejdu sistemami v jivoy i nejivoy prirode
COMMUNICATION - 1. The ratio of mutual dependence, conditioning, commonality between anything.
KOMMUNIKASIYA - muloqot tushunchasiga yaqin, lekin kengaytirilgan. Bu - jonli va jonsiz tabiat tizimlari o'rtasida axborot almashinishga qaratilgan aloqa.
41. TALANT - vыsokiy uroven razvitiya sposobnostey, proyavlyaemыx v tvorcheskix dostijeniyax, vajnыx v kontekste razvitiya kulturы, prejde vsego - sposobnostey spetsialnыx. O nalichii talanta sleduet sudit po rezultatam deyatelnosti, koi doljnы otlichatsya prinsipialnoy noviznoy, originalnostyu podxoda.
TALENT - a high level of ability, manifested in the creative achievements, important in the context of the development of culture, in particular - special abilities. The presence of talent should be judged on the results of operations, koi should differ fundamentally new, original approach.
Talant - qobiliyatning yuqori darajasi, ijodiy yutuqlarda namoyon bo`ladi, maxsus qobiliyat, xususan, madaniyati rivojida muhim. Talantning mavjudligi- faoliyatning natijalarining originalligi,yondashunning yangiligi bo'yicha tahlil qilinadi.
42. TAXISTOSKOP - pribor, pozvolyayuщiy pred’yavlyat stimulы zritelnыe (izobrajeniya) na strogo opredelennoe, v tom chisle ochen korotkoe vremya. Odna iz pervыx konstruksiy mexanicheskogo taxistoskopa bыla razrabotana V. Vundtom. Suщestvuyut i elektronnыe taxistoskopы, rabotayuщie po prinsipu modulyasii urovnya osveщennosti.
Tachistoscope - a device that allows you to present visual stimuli (images) on a well-defined, including a very short time. One of the first designs of mechanical tachistoscope developed Wundt. There are also electronic tachistoscope working on the principle of light level modulation.
Taxistoskop - Juda qisqa vaqt ichida, aniq tasvirlar taqdim qilish imkonini beruvchi qurilma. Mexanik taxistoskopning birinchi namunalari V. Vundt tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. Yorug'lik darajasi modulatsion tamoyil asosida ishlaydigan, elektron taxistoskop ham bor
43.TEMPERAMENT - ustoychivoe ob’edinenie individualnыx osobennostey, svyazannыx s dinamicheskimi, a ne soderjatelnыmi aspektami deyatelnosti; te individualnыe svoystva, chto v naibolshey mere zavisyat ot prirodnыx sposobnostey cheloveka. Temperament - individnaya xarakteristika sub’ekta so storonы dinamicheskix osobennostey ego deyatelnosti psixicheskoy: intensivnosti, skorosti, tempa, ritma psixicheskix protsessov i sostoyaniy.
Temperament - stable association of individual characteristics associated with a dynamic, rather than substantive aspects of the activity; those individual properties that are most dependent on the natural abilities of the person. Temperament - individnyh characteristic of the subject on the part of the dynamic features of his mental activity: the intensity, speed, tempo, rhythm, mental processes and states.
Temperament - shaxsning emotsional qozg`aluvchanligi va umumiy xarakatchanli bilan sifatlanadigan individual xususiyatlar yig`indisi, I. P. Pavlov tarificha: Temperament xar bir ayrim odamning ham, xayvonning ham eng muhim xarakteristikasi. Nerv sistemasining har bir individning butun faoliyatiga muayyan qiyofa beruvchi asosiy xarakteristikasidir.
44.FAZA - moment, otdelnaya stadiya v razvitii nekoego prirodnogo ili obщestvennogo yavleniya ili protsessa.
PHASE - time, a separate step in the development of a natural or social phenomenon or process.
Faza - vaqt, tabiiy yoki ijtimoiy hodisaning yoki jarayonning rivojlanishida alohida qadam
45.FAKT - 1. Deystvitelnoe, nevыmыshlennoe yavlenie, proisshestvie, sobыtie. 2. Tverdo ustanovlennoe znanie, dannoe v opыte, slujaщee dlya nekoego zaklyucheniya, vыvoda, dlya proverki nekoego predpolojeniya, gipotezы. 3. Deystvitelnost, realnost; nechto, suщestvuyuщee realno.
FACT - 1. Indeed, unfabled phenomenon, event, event. 2. Firmly established knowledge given in the experience of serving to a certain conclusion, the output to verify certain assumptions, hypotheses. 3. Indeed, the reality; something that exists really.
FACT - 1. Haqiqat, haqiqiy hodisa, rejalashtirilmagan, ataylab yushtirilmagan voqea, hodisa. Ma'lum bir xizmat tajribasiga berilgan xulosa 2. Qat'iy belgilangan bilim, ma'lum taxminlarni tekshirish uchun faraz. 3. Haqiqatdan ham, haqiqat; Haqiqatdan ham mavjud narsa.
46. FAKT ASSOTSIATSII - vzaimosvyaz vospriyatiy v pamyati, svyazuyuщim zvenom koey preimuщestvenno yavlyaetsya sovpadenie vospriyatiy vo vremeni.
FACT ASSOCIATION - relationship perceptions in memory link means is preferably a coincidence of perceptions over time.
Fakt - idrokning xotira bilan aloqasi, bog`lovchi aloqa sifatida idrokning vaqt bilan tasodifiy aloqalari xisoblanadi.
47.FAKT PSIXOLOGICHESKIY - pod nimi podrazumevaetsya gorazdo bolee shirokiy - po sravneniyu s yavleniyami psixologicheskimi - krug proyavleniy psixiki, v tom chisle ix ob’ektivnыe formы, kak aktы povedeniya, telesnыe protsessы i prochee, koi takje ispolzuyutsya dlya izucheniya psixiki.
FACT PSYCHOLOGICAL - underneath them meant much broader - compared to psychological phenomena - mental manifestations of the circle, including their objective form, as acts of conduct and other bodily processes, koi are also used for the study of the psyche.
Psixologik fakt - psixologik hodisaga nisbatan - keng ma'noni anglatadi va psixik keng doira kasb etadi, shuningdek, ularning obektiv shakli xam, xulq akti sifatida namoyon bo`ladi va psixikani o`rganishda qo`llaniladi.
48.FAKTOR - ponyatie statistiki matematicheskoy, oznachayuщee obщuyu prichinu mnogix sluchaynыx izmeneniy sovokupnosti velichin peremennыx, sobыtiy i pr. Faktorы vыyavlyayutsya putem primeneniya spetsialnoy matematicheskoy protsedurы - analiza faktornogo.
FACTOR -. The concept of mathematical statistics, which means a common cause of many random changes in the aggregate values ​​of variables, events, and other factors are identified through the use of special mathematical procedures - factorial analysis.
FAKTOR - statistik matematika tushinchasi, ko`pchilik tasodifiy o`lcho`vlarni o`zgaruvchi jami qiymatlarni umumiy sababini anglatadi. Factorial tahlil - maxsus matematik tartibda foydalanish bilan belgilanadi.
49. FAKTOR RAZVITIYA - sistema faktorov, opredelyayuщix psixicheskoe i povedencheskoe razvitie rebenka. Vklyuchayut soderjanie obucheniya i vospitaniya, pedagogicheskuyu podgotovlennost vospitыvayuщix i obuchayuщix lyudey, metodы i sredstva obucheniya i vospitaniya, i mnogoe pr.
THE FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT - system factors that determine the mental and behavioral development of children. Include the content of training and education, pedagogical preparedness to educate and train people, methods and means of training and education, etc., and more.
Rivojlanish omili - Bolalar aqliy va qiziqishlardagi rivojlanish omilini aniqlash tizimi . Ta'lim-tarbiya va yangi vositalarini o'rgatish tayyorlash, pedagogik tayyorgarlik mazmunini o'z ichiga oladi.
50. EKZOPSIXIKA - soglasno A. F. Lazurskomu - sovokupnost otnosheniy lichnosti k prirode, obщestvu, duxovnыm sennostyam, k sobstvennoy dushevnoy jizni.
EKZOPSIHIKA - according AF Lazurskiy - set the individual relationship to nature, society, spiritual values, to their own spiritual life.

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