One of the conditions for the development of endocarditis is bacteremia, which is determined for a long time. Its occurrence may be associated with chronic foci of infection such as periodontitis, tonsillitis, furunculosis. Also, manipulations were carried out with which pathogens were introduced into the body. This is the case with surgical interventions, catheterization, bronchoscopy, intravenous administration of drugs or drugs.
The process is more active if the valves were previously altered against a background of rheumatism or congenital malformations. Also the development of endocarditis is facilitated by the use of prosthetic valves.
Endokardit rivojlanishining shartlaridan biri bakteremiya bo'lib, u uzoq vaqt davomida aniqlanadi. Uning kelib chiqishi davriy ta'mirlash, tonsillit, furunkuloz kabi surunkali infektsiyalar bilan bog'liq bo'lishi mumkin. Bundan tashqari, organizmga patogenlar kiritilgan manipulyatsiya qilingan. Jarrohlik aralashuvi, kateterizatsiya, bronkoskopiya, dori-darmonlarni yoki dori vositalarini qo'llash bu holat.
Vana ilgari revmatizm yoki konjenital malformatsiyalarning fonida o'zgartirilgan bo'lsa, jarayon yanada faol bo'ladi. Bundan tashqari, endokardit rivojlanishi prostetik qopqoqlarni qo'llash bilan osonlashadi.
The pathological process is directly associated with destructive ulcerative inflammation of the endocardium, which is accompanied by the placement of platelets together with fibrin, bacteria and tissue particles. As a result, in addition to EC, a disease can develop in the type of thromboembolism. The attachment to the inflammatory process of autoimmune mechanisms associated with the circulation of immune complexes and the development of a corresponding reaction on them leads to an aggravation of the course of endocarditis.
Patologik jarayon endokardning zararli yarali yallig'lanishi bilan bevosita bog'liq bo'lib, u trombotsitlarni fibrin, bakteriya va to'qimalar zarralari bilan birga joylashtiradi. Natijada, ECga qo'shimcha ravishda, tromboemboli turida kasallik rivojlanishi mumkin. Immunitet komplekslarining aylanishi bilan bog'liq otoimmün mexanizmlarning yallig'lanish jarayoniga qo'shilishi va ularga nisbatan reaktsiyaning rivojlanishi endokarditning davomiyligini kuchayishiga olib keladi.