At the heart of its development lies the infection of a person with beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A. From rheumatism, various structures of the body, including the valve apparatus of the heart, are affected. The connective tissue in it is exposed to the inflammatory process. Chords and a wall-mounted endocardium can also be amazed. As a result, depending on the place of development of rheumatic endocarditis, the following can be isolated:
EC valves;
EC chord;
wall mounted EC.
Uning rivojlanishida beta-gemolitik streptokok guruhi A bo'lgan odamning infektsiyasi yotadi. Revmatikadan tananing turli tuzilmalari, shu jumladan, yurak qopqog'i apparati ta'sirlanadi. Undagi biriktiruvchi to'qimalar yallig'lanish jarayoniga ta'sir qiladi. Akkordlar va devorga o'rnatilgan endokard ham hayratlantirishi mumkin. Natijada, revmatik endokardit rivojlanish joyiga qarab quyidagilar izolyatsiya qilinadi: