There are various endocarditis classifications, some of which have been developed 20 years ago and more. Given the modern view of medicine for the development of EC, then it is worth taking into account the division into the International Classification of Diseases 10 revisions. Accordingly, she is allocated:
Har xil endokardit tasniflari bor, ulardan ba'zilari 20 yil oldin va undan ko'proq ishlab chiqilgan. EKni rivojlantirish uchun tibbiyotning zamonaviy nuqtai nazarini nazarda tutgan holda, Xalqaro kasalliklar klassifikatsiyasiga 10 ta revizyonni ajratish kerak. Shunga ko'ra, unga ajratilgan:
Acute and subacute infectious endocarditis (code .I33.0). In turn, it can be bacterial, infectious, slowly current, malignant, septic, ulcerative.
Stubborn or prolonged endocarditis, it is also known as chronic.
Tromboendocarditis of non-infectious origin.
Rheumatic endocarditis.
Leffler's endocarditis, also known as fibroplastic with eosinophilia.
O'tkir va subakut infektsion endokardit (kod I33.0). O'z navbatida, u bakterial, yuqumli, asta-sekin oqardi, malign, septik, ülseratif bo'lishi mumkin.
Candidiasis endokardit (kod I39.8 *).
O'tkir revmatik endokardit (kod I01.1).
Shundan kelib chiqqan holda, shartli klinik-morfologik va etiologik tasnif mavjud:
Yuqumli o'tkir endokardit bakterial va septik bo'lishi mumkin.