Full support to the National Interagency Council in coordinating, financing and implementing the
National Green Economy Strategy
The UNDP stands ready to work with the
National Interagency
In consulta9on with the Government, UNDP will conduct skills assessment of relevant ministries, public agencies and private
companies to iden9fy capacity needs and skills gaps in the areas related to the Na9onal Green Economy Strategy. Based on skills
assessment results and consulta9ons with the Government, UNDP could facilitate mobiliza9on of funds, design and establish an
intensive professional development program(s) for execu9ves and prac99oners in the fields related to the green economy. The
professional development program could be fee based to ensure sustainability, while UNDP will design and implement a compe99ve
scholarship program to fund local talents and mo9vated professionals during each applica9on season. The scholarship recipients will be
required to develop feasible project proposals addressing Uzbekistan’s green economy challenges and needs, and will be provided with
incen9ves and support to implement their proposals afer gradua9on.
Green Economy Council
(IGEC) and provide advisory
and coordinating support, along with targeted
technical assistance; assist with expansion of the IGEC’s functions and membership,
mobilization of financial resources
from donors and investors, strengthening capacity of member
agencies and relevant stakeholders, and ensuring full alignment between the National Climate Strategy
and the National Green Economy Strategy. To
facilitate operationalization, financing and
implementation of the National Green Economy Strategy in the period of 2021-2030, UNDP is ready to
commit financial and technical resources to development of a detailed roadmap and investment strategy
for transition towards a green economy under the leadership of the Government of Uzbekistan and in
coordination with key stakeholders from
the public and private sectors, international development
agencies and donors / foreign investors.