Wf-5ksa09-e directions

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Text attributes

Boldfacing and underlining are used in this document for emphasis and in defined heading styles. Italic type is not used as an emphasis indicator in this document but is used in defined heading styles and where standard typographic conventions require them, such as book titles and mathematical variables. Adjust the settings of your screen reader or other software if you wish to be notified of text attribute changes. Except where stated otherwise, this formatting is not critical to the meaning of the test material.

Text and graphics size

The styles used in this document result in text that is moderately enlarged. To enlarge text further in Microsoft Word, the following is recommended, in order of preference:
1. Adjust the styles to meet your needs. You can adjust both font size and typeface if desired.
2. Manually adjust the font size or typeface as desired.
3. Use Microsoft Word’s zoom function. This is the easiest way to enlarge any figures, but note that some screen readers will not read text that has moved offscreen as a result of zooming.


Some changes to the text have been made to improve the way screen readers pronounce the text where doing so would not inappropriately change test content. For example, we have inserted spaces between the letters of initialisms to ensure that the individual letters are spoken separately. However, please note that pronunciation errors may remain. If unsure of a word, use the spelling or character‑by‑character navigation function of your software to resolve any uncertainties.


Where punctuation or symbols are critical to the meaning of test material, we either convert the punctuation mark or symbol to words (for example, “it apostrophe s” or “it s apostrophe”) or else include a statement advising you to take note of punctuation for a particular question or portion of a question.


Some questions may include tables. Use the table‑navigation features of your software.


This document may include figures, which appear on screen. Following each figure on screen is text describing that figure. Readers using visual presentations of the figures may choose to skip parts of the text describing the figure that begin with “Begin skippable figure description” and end with “End skippable figure description.”

Your software may speak unhelpful information when you arrive at the figures, such as the figure’s size. If your software offers a method of configuring speech for graphics, you may wish to use that to prevent it from speaking the unwanted information.

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