Sir Frank Whittle English aeronautical engineer. Whittle was one of the first men to associate the gas turbine with jet propulsion.
John Peel John Peel was a disc jockey on BBC's Radio 1 whose 37 years of broadcasting out-of-the-mainstream acts helped popularise reggae, punk and hip-hop in Britain.
John Logie Baird A Scottish inventor, who in 1926 gave the first demonstration of true television
Aneurin Bevan Welsh-born British politician who as minister of health (1945–1951) was the chief architect of the National Health Service.
Sir William Wallace Scottish patriot who led resistance against the English and briefly gained control of Scotland in 1298.
Sir Francis Drake English naval hero and explorer who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world (1577–1580) and was vice admiral of the fleet that destroyed the Spanish Armada (1588).
John Wesley British religious leader who founded Methodism (1738). His brother Charles (1707–1788) wrote thousands of hymns, including “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.”
King Arthur A legendary British hero, said to have been king of the Britons in the sixth century A.D. and to have held court at Camelot.