Sub-component 1.2: Seed and seedling production (US$37.0 million). The objective of this sub-component is to
rebuild local seed and seedling production systems. Specifically, it will seek to: (i) increase the supply, in sufficient
quantity and acceptable quality, of elite and super-elite seeds, seedlings, and other planting materials to private sector
multipliers for commercial seed production and sales to farmers; and (ii) develop and update guidelines related to seed
production, testing and registration, and certification for public and private sector seed/seedling nurseries. Increasing
the supply of super-elite and elite seeds/seedlings that are demanded by beneficiaries will aim for drought and pest-
resiliency and alignment with different agro-ecological zones.
17. The sub-component will support: (i) human resource development
; (ii) construction (of new),
rehabilitation/renovation (of existing), and refurbishment (of new and existing) infrastructure
such as office, laboratory
etc. buildings; (iii) upgrade of irrigation infrastructure/facilities on state seed farms; (iv) establishment and/or upgrading
of ICT infrastructure; (v) procurement of laboratory equipment, reagents, field equipment, farm machineries and vehicles
that would be energy efficient; and (v) support of accreditation of laboratories, including to the International Seed Quality
Control Agency’s requirements. The following main activities would be supported by participating institution:
a. Center for Variety Testing of Crops: The Center, under MOA, is responsible for testing varieties developed
by research institutes and register those meeting the requirements in the National Seed Registry. The center
is also tasked with testing and certifying imported crop varieties for their adaptation and use in Uzbekistan.
In addition to HQ in Tashkent, the center has twelve (12) testing stations and forty-two (42) testing plots
located on various soils and climate zones. The center also has chemical-engineering and cotton testing
laboratories. AMP aims to improve the quality and speed of testing and registration by financing: (i)
construction of new and renovation of existing office and laboratory buildings and greenhouses; (ii)
equipment and materials for chemical-engineering and cotton laboratories, and laboratory accreditation;
All activities related to human resource development and capacity building will include topics on understanding climate change better and
frameworks, tools and techniques to facilitate designing and implementing climate adaptation and mitigation approaches.
Investments in climate proof and energy efficient infrastructure will be pursued.