41. Sub-component 3.3 Strengthening market information system (US$7.5 million). The objective of this sub-
component is to develop the market information system at MOA and to promote improved use of agricultural market
intelligence and information systems. The project will assess the system of market information and dissemination and
will implement demand-based improvements in coverage and outreach, through website, extension services, and
awareness raising campaigns, including on climate change and opportunities to implement climate adaptation and
mitigation approaches. The project will also invest in digital infrastructure and solutions and in support for market
intelligence in order to facilitate identification of medium-and long-term opportunities for suitable products and inform
investment decisions that respond to climate change vulnerability. The project will pay attention to channel information
through technologies that are accessible also to women and agri-entrepreneurs.
42. Component 4: Supporting Project Management (US$9.0 million). This component will finance project
management activities. The PIU will be established to coordinate implementation activities and will be located in
UZAIFSA. The component will focus on strengthening UZAIFSA’s capacity for project management, implementation of
WB ESF, procurement and financial management, and M&E through the provision of goods, consultant services, training,
and financing of incremental operating costs.
The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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ANNEX 2: Implementation Arrangements and Support Plan COUNTRY: Uzbekistan Agriculture Modernization Project Institutional Arrangements