Financial Management Arrangements 6. FM arrangements of UZAIFSA are considered acceptable for implementation of the project after the risk mitigation
measures listed in the below table are addressed prior to the project effectiveness and during the project
implementation. The Fiduciary Risk for the project is assessed as Moderate considering the experience of UZAIFSA in
implementing WB and other IFIs projects, and thus the built-on experience and knowledge with respect to FM and
internal controls. UZAIFSA will submit quarterly IFRs to WB. Audit of the project financial statements will be carried out
for each financial year and at the closing of the project by an eligible audit firm, in accordance with TOR acceptable to
WB. The project audit report will be publicly disclosed by UZAIFSA and WB on their respective websites. No entity audits
will be required. Based on the performed assessment, FM and disbursement arrangements for the project will include
the following risk mitigation measures:
Measure Responsibility Due Date The Project Implementation Unit has been established within
Effectiveness condition The Project Operations Manual has been adopted by the Borrower in
form and substance satisfactory to WB
Effectiveness condition
The Borrower has adopted the Credit Line Guidelines in accordance
with the Loan Agreement
Disbursement condition for
Credit Line
The Project Implementation Unit has installed a separate module in
the existing accounting software for managing the accounting and
financial reporting of the project
Legal covenant (within 60
days from project
7. The primary implementing agency for the project will be MOA. UZAIFSA, which will host the PIU, will be
responsible for all fiduciary tasks, including coordination and facilitation of day-to-day implementation of the project in
close collaboration with implementing institutions, which include research institutes, departments, directorates, and
agencies answerable to MOA, and SPQI under the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Agricultural Inspection, under the Cabinet
of Ministers. UZAIFSA will manage all FM transactions.
8. The overall FM risk for the project before and after mitigation measures is Moderate. Adequate mitigation
measures will be put in place to ensure that the residual risk is acceptable.