The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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Maximum financing share: The project will finance up to 100 percent of the sub-loans in US Dollars, while
requiring 20 percent co-financing from PFIs for UZ Som sub-loans. Sub-borrowers will be required to
contribute their own funds to sub-project financing, which will be specified in the Credit Line Guidelines.
6. The Credit Line beneficiaries will also have to comply with the national legislation on child and forced labor. A
requirement for accessing value chain financing by a sub-borrower under this credit line will be an upstream or down-
stream contractual relationship within the value-chain, to ensure the viability of the productive linkages financed under
the credit line. PFIs will have to hire a horticultural agronomist, or set up arrangements with suitable consulting
companies, to ensure the technical feasibility of the investments financed.
7. Each subsidiary loan agreement with PFIs will be signed for a specific amount, based on the demand. Progress of
disbursements will be monitored by UZAIFSA and WB to recommend flexibility in amending the subsidiary loan
agreement amounts in case when some PFIs are much slower than others. The withdrawal procedures are briefly
described in the paragraph below. Given the likelihood that a number of PFIs will qualify for participation, it will help
ensuring the competitive environment necessary for the sub-borrowers to benefit from competitive terms and conditions
of the financing.
8. Implementation structure.
9. Withdrawals from the Credit Line. Periodically, as agreed between PFI and UZAIFSA, PFIs will prepare Statements
of Expenditure (SOE), in the agreed format, listing already financed sub-loans, as well as sub-loans approved by its Credit
Committee but not yet financed
. SOE will be submitted together with the one-page Sub-loan Information Sheet for each
sub-loan. The Sub-loan Information Sheet will contain key terms and conditions of the proposed sub-loan. UZAIFSA will
review the list of sub-loans and the one-page summaries for every sub-loan to check the eligibility of the sub-loan against
the criteria under the project
. Upon approval, the money will be transferred to PFI. The final withdrawal arrangements
will be described in the Credit Line Guidelines.