Questions 9-14
The following paragraph is the final paragraph of the reading passage. There are
some words missing. Choose ONE word for each space from the list
of words
Write the correct word in the spaces numbered 9-14 on the answer sheet. One has
been done for you as an example.
There are more words than spaces so you won't use all the words.
What in fact, worries the
...Example... and professional care-givers far more…
Answer: teachers
than any possible slowness in a child's developing a few 9-----------------tasks is
the pressure that some parents exert for their children to be made to learn too
It has to be admitted that 10 ------------------ often appears to work. It is possible to
speed up their acquisition of academic 11----------------- ,
to give them an edge, as
it were. But there is a price—because there is a paradox. Though it looks as if the
children are 12 ---------------- , more often than not they are losing the one
that will determine 13--------------- in the longer term. Their self-direction, self-
motivation, is being taken away from them. By being told what to do, by being
what is really important, by being channelled, they do not develop the essential
ability of finding 14 ----------------- for themselves.
List of words
You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15-27 which refer to
Passage 2
1. Most fatal accidents involve a
disproportionately high number of men under
hours practical driver education training,
the age of 25. A report on young driver
another a brief, school based course and the
research prepared last year by Monash
third no school-based driver education. Those
University's accident research centre found
comprehensively trained were 16 per cent more
that in 1990 and 1991, almost a third of the
likely to get their licences, but 11
per cent more
people killed in road crashes were drivers
likely to crash and eight per cent more likely to
under 25, yet this age group represents only 14
get traffic fines.
per cent of the population. The report, which
4. In 1985, the researchers who conducted that
also updated a review of international
study then reviewed 14 studies of defensive-
literature about, among other things, driver
driver training courses and concluded that
training, also reached what many would
though people who
attended such courses
consider a startling conclusion: training and
received fewer traffic fines, they did not have
education where they occur — principally in the
fewer crashes. Despite the intuitive conclusion
US — do not appear to reduce younger drivers'
that safe driving should be teachable (like
risk of crashing.
many practical skills), there is insufficient
2. The Monash University researchers looked
evidence about the ability of practical driver-
at crash information from New South Wales for
training to reduce crashes for the general
1986 to 1990, from Victoria for 1984 to 1990
driving population.
from South Australia for 1986 to 1990. The
5. The Monash University report
into young
Australian evidence which possibly indicates
drivers concluded that younger drivers were
that counter-measures targeted specifically at
more likely to take risks at night, younger men
young/novice drivers have been effective
were more likely to take risks than younger
comes from evaluations of zero blood alcohol
women, but younger women appeared to have
concentration legislation. (In 1989, all
'greater skills deficiency'. Overall, the
Australian governments agreed from 1991 on,
researchers concluded that it appears that
to ban provisional drivers from drink-driving
skills improve rapidly with
at any-level, and to extend the provisional
increasing experience but that their
licence to three years).
development is still incomplete after one or
3. The Monash researchers also looked at
two years and possibly after considerably
United States road-crash information for 1989
longer periods.
on 6.6 million police-reported crashes
involving fatalities, injuries and motor vehicle
damage. The researchers
looked at a sample of
44,000 crashes. The conclusion was that the
available literature gives a pessimistic view of
the efficacy of driver training and education,
reflected in the inability to produce drivers
safer than those who have not been trained.
One study on driver training in the US was
conducted in DeKalb county, Georgia between
1977 and 1981. 16,000 school students were
split into three groups: one group received 70
Questions 15-18
The paragraphs in the reading passage are numbered 1-5. Below is a list of
paragraph headings labelled A-I. For each question 15-18, select the most suitable
paragraph heading from the list
and write your answers A-I, in the spaces
numbered 15-18 on the answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an
There are more headings than you will need, so you won't use them all.
Example: Paragraph 1
Answer. G
15. Paragraph 2
16. Paragraph 3
17. Paragraph 4
18. Paragraph 5
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