M ening sevim li yozuvchim V ilyam Shekspir.
S hekspir buyuk
ingliz yozuvchisi, shoir va sahna asari yozuvchisidir.
V. Shekspir 1564 y ild a Londondan 120 km uzoqlikdagi Stratford-apon-A von
shaharida tu g ’ilgan.
S hekspir 21 yoshga to ’lganda L ondonga teatrda ishlash uchun boradi.
S hekspir 18 yoshida o ’zidan 8 yosh katta A nna X asavey ismli ayolga uylanadi.
T ez o rada Shekspir L ondonda m ashhur yozuvchiga aylanadi.
1599 yilda u bir nechta kollegalari bilan o ’zlarining shaxsiy “ G lobe T h eatre”
nom li teatrini tashkil qildilar.
Shekspir kom ik, tarixiy v a tragedik tipga b o ’linuvchi 37 ta sahna asari yaratdi.
U ning tragedik sahna asarlariga m ashhur “R om eo va Juletta” , “ O tello”, “Q irol
L ir” va “G am let” asarlari kiradi.
S hekspir asarlari dunyo adabiyotini boyitishga v a ingliz
tilini rivojlanishiga
katta hissa q o ’shdi.
Exercise 2
Translate these sentences into English.
W e tell the tim e by m eans o f w atches and clocks. A w atch is sm all. W e w ear it
on the w rist. A clock is big. W e usually hang it on the w all or put it on the table.
C locks and w atches have figures on their faces and tw o hands:
the long hand the
short hand.
W hen the long hand is at tw elve and the short hand is at six, it is six o ’clock;
after five
m inutes it is five past six, then ten past six,
a quarter past six, tw enty past
tw enty-live past six, h a lf past six, tw enty-five to seven, tw enty to seven,
a quarter
to seven, ten to seven, five to seven and then it is seven o ’clock.
W hen
you w ant to know the tim e, you ask:
«W hat tim e is it now ?». For
exam ple, now it is nine o ’clock in the m orning. My w atch is correct. It is nine o ’clock
by my w atch. The w atch o f m y friend is not correct. It is five m inutes fast.
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