Historical aspect
Hyrcan - in ancient sources is accepted as Hyrcania. This name is
connected to very ancient local tribe - hircanians which
lived to
southern border of Caspian sea, have been surrounded from north-
ern side with Caspian sea, with southern mountains Elburses. Early
datas about these territories meet in sources ancient Assyria. From
ancient Assyria annals it becomes known, that VIII century B.C. in a
southwest part of Caspian sea there was Kaspiana, in a southern
part Media, and in a southeast part Hyrcania. In Avesta – in Zoroas-
trian book in the form "Vrkana" it is marked as the beautiful grounds
and the countries created personally by Ahura Mazda
(Avesta, Ven-
didad. Fargard I: “…The ninth of the good lands and countries which
I, Ahura Mazda created, was Khnenta in Vehrkana…”). Ahura Tablets
of Darius the Great)
- “Bisutun insciptions ” which have been created
under the order of the governor of Ancient Iran king Darius I it is
spoken about capture of Hyrcania. And the capital of Hyrcania Za-
dracarta has turned to the center region (satrapia), in a summer res-
idence of Ahamanian kings. The following data about Hyrcania has
given Herodot, having told, that this territory
possesses the rich
ground. Mazda has created 16 countries. One of the interesting facts
that the sacred ground created by Ahura Mazda is on coast of the
river Araks. In opinion of experts this ground is Azerbaican. Xeno-
phon writes, that Hyrcania which capital was Zadracarta and Media
were neighbouring countries. They have concluded the contract with
ancient Iran and battled against Assyria. It is written, that the gov-
ernor of Iran king Cyris the Greate has shown the gratitude to gov-
ernor Hyrcania. But during governor Ahamani dynasti, Hyrcania has
undergone to capture and has turned to a part of Ancient Iran –
Ahamanian Empire. In Old Persian Texts (The Stone
At last data about Hyrcania are connected to capture of these
lands Alexander the Great. “The Campaigns of Alexander (Anabasis
Alexandri)” by Arrian (Lucius Flavius Arrianus) write about hyrcanians
which participated in Darius armies against makedonians army of the
Alexander the Great. Arrian writes, that Hyrcania had many cities
and villages. In “Alexandr the Great” written by Plutarch we read,
that Alexander the Great once has come to Hyrcania to look the Hyr-
can gulf, with him happened a strange case: «…local barbarians
have stolen a horse Bucephalus. Alexander
having become angry
was threatened to kill all local women and children. After return of a
horse he has calmed down, even has renumerated thieves to return
of a horse …»
Hircan names one of the most widespread names of the grounds
in territory of Caspian sea. In Ptolemy, Strabon, Plutarch, Pliny the
Elder, and other antique writers works Caspian sea refers to as the
Hyrcanian sea. In the subsequent periods in
the Arabian sources
these places refer to as Tabaristan and Curcania, and the capital is
marked as Curcan. The known Azerbaican geographer and traveller
Abdurrashid Ibn-Saleh Ibn Nuri Al-Bakuvi in the “Telxisul - eser fi
ecaibil - eqtar ” writes, that Tabaristan the most known and big city
Curcana, there is a lot of ships, and there are many terrestrial and
water birds. In Iran, on coast of Caspian sea, long 80 kms, width 40
kms are plain Gurgan (Gorgan in farsi). In persian sources it is spo-
ken, that in south-east coast of Caspian sea there was a province
Gorgan, and also Caspian sea referred to "Gurgan sea", "Curcan
sea", "Hircan sea". In the Middle Ages the capital of province Gur-
gan, port Gurgan was shopping center and the basic stop for cara-
vans going on the north bearing silk. This city till 1930 year referred
to Astrabad and was the center of province of the Iranian Islamic
republic Gulistan and today refers to Gorgan. It seems really, that in
ancient times Caspian sea surrounded areas was a Gurgan . On the
Apsheron peninsula, 5 kms to the east from Zire village there are
Gurgan territory which habitants named this place as the «Shakhri
Gurgan». Because of increasing of Caspian sea level these grounds
have remained under water, and inhabitants had to move to village
Zire. The road which
goes on the east from Zire, people names
“Gurgan way“, and vineyards – “Gurgan gardens”. In 1941 year
when built a dam between the Apsheron peninsula and Pir Allahi isl-
and some archeologic obcects were found out. In territory of area
Azizbekov region of Baku, in 18 kms from Shuvelan in south-east
direction, near to the railway of Baku- Artem, on coast of Caspian
sea is Gurgan settlement. On east part of Apsheron, in a southern
direction from Artem island there is Gurgan cape. By the chronologi-
cal analyses of historical sources it is possible to tell, that etymologi-
cal changes of this word is Vrkan - Varkan - Qorqan - Gurgan. On
Arabian Curcan - Curcaniyya, on
latin Hyrcania, on
ancient greek
transcription Hrcania. Some experts consider, that “Hyrkan” is taken
from talish “Hirkan” which means “foggy district”. In these places
actually a climate subtropical and days here frequently are foggy.
Being based on some historical sources and to opinion of modern
experts it is possible to tell, that in I millennium B.C. in a southern
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