Ключевые слова:
благополучная семья, конфликт, супружеская пара, формирование
личности, духовность человека.
This article focuses on the factors that negatively affect the formation of independent and
prosperous family, the conflicts in the relations of married couple. If we consider the fact that such factors
as the biological, natural, and cultural environment, social experience, relationships with people play an
important role in the formation of personality, then all this is embodied in the family. After all, a person’s
spirituality, his worldview, temperament, a set of life principles, ideals, values, skills are formed mainly in
the family. In this regard, the study of adaptation of young people to the family environment is of paramount
importance today.
independent, prosperous family, conflict, married couple, formation of personality, person’s
“Eng katta baxt, men buni ming marta qaytarishdan
charchamayman, oilamiz tinch bo‘lsin! Oila kichik Vatan, oila tinch
bo‘lsa, baxtli bo‘lsa,Vatan tinch bo‘ladi. O‘sha baxtli kunlarni,
Vatanimizning, yoshlarimizning kamolini hozir niyat qilayotganimiz
kabi ko‘rish hammamizga nasib etsin!”
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti
Keyingi yillarda keng jamoatchilik va olimlarning diqqatini o‘ziga jalb qilib kelayotgan masalalardan
biri shaxs va oila, oilaviy munosabatlar muammosidir. Inson ma’naviyatini shakllantirishning eng maqbul
maskani oiladir. Oila qaysi millatga mansub bo‘lsa, o‘sha xalqning ma’naviyatini o‘zida mujassamlashtirib,