O‘zbekiston milliy sport turlari va xalq o‘yinlari
milliy ijtimoiy-madaniy yo‘nalishga ega bo‘lgan hamda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi hududida rivojlanayotgan sport va o‘yin turlari;
sports and games of national socio-cultural orientation and developing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
O‘zbekiston Respublikasining sport terma jamoalari
xalqaro sport musobaqalariga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish hamda ularda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi nomidan ishtirok etish uchun turli yosh guruhlariga tegishli sportchilar, trenerlar, jismoniy tarbiya va sport sohasidagi olimlar va boshqa mutaxassislar, tibbiyot mutaxassislari hamda boshqa mutaxassislar jamoalari;
teams of athletes, coaches, scientists and other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, medical specialists and other specialists of different age groups to prepare for and participate in international sports competitions on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Sport klubi
bir yoki bir nechta sport turini rivojlantirish, ommalashtirish, Shuningdek ommaviy jismoniy tarbiya tadbirlari, sport musobaqasi va tadbirlarini o‘tkazishni tashkil etish, o‘quvchi-yoshlarning maktabdan tashqari sport ta’limi tizimini yanada takomillashtirish, iste’dodli yoshlarni saralab olish (seleksiya) va sport turlari bo‘yicha milliy terma jamoalari zaxirasini shakllantirishga ko‘maklashuvchi a’zolik asosida tuzilgan va davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazilgan nodavlat notijorat tashkiloti;
development and promotion of one or more sports, as well as the organization of mass physical culture events, sports competitions and events, further improvement of the system of extracurricular sports education of students, selection of talented Youth and the reserve of national teams in sports a non-governmental non-profit organization established on the basis of membership and registered by the state to promote its formation;