Chapter II. The st ate management………………………… 2.1. Structure state ao
’thorities of Republic Uzbekistan……..
2.2. The maximum legislature……………………………….
2.3. The president and execo
’tive ao’thority………………..
2.4. Judicial ao
Chapter III.Ter ritorial management ……………………… 3.1. Concept aboo
’t territorial management…………………
3.2. Reforming of territorial management…………………..
3.3. Perfection of territorial management…………………..
Chapter IY. Development of the theory and practice of management. 4.1. Occu
rrence and development of management…………….
4.2. Classification of various foreign schools of management…
4.3. Development of the theory of practice of management in Russia.
4.4. A new stage in development of management…………………
Chapter Y. The system- situational approachin management…. 5.1. Concept of system and their classification…………………….
5.2. Economy of Republic Uzbekistan as whole socially economic system.
5.3. System the approachin management…………………………..
5.4. The situational approach
in management……………………..
Chapter YI .Laws and principles of management……………. 6.1. Value of studying of economic laws………………………..
6.2. The general economic and pqilosophical laws……………..
6.3. Main principles of management……………………………
Chapter YII .Functions of m anagement……………………… 7.1. Functions of management…………………………………..
7.2. Concept and classification of function of management…….
Chapter YIII. Organizational structure of management of economy. 8.1. Concept of organizational structure of management………..
8.2. Ki
nds of organizational structures……………………………
8.3. Designing of organizational structures……………………..