FPDA is a method of discourse analysis based on Chris Weedons' theories of feminist poststructuralism. FPDA originated from PDA. 1.based on a combination of feminism and post structuralism. 2.uses the post structuralist principles. FPDA is an approach to analyze the discourse of spoken interaction.
The feminist part of FPDA considers gender to be a dominant discourse. The post structuralist part of FPDA views language as a social practice. FPDA states that speakers are shifting their subject positions according to the interplay of discourse. FPDA has been used by a range of international schoolars.
The feminist part of FPDA considers gender difference to be a dominant discourse among competing discourses when analysing all types of text. According to Baxter FPDA does not have an ‘emancipatory’(azadlıq verən) agenda for women but a ‘transformative’ one. This means that it aims to represent women’s voices that have been ‘silenced’ or marginalised.
For example, Kamada uses FPDA to show how a friendship group of half-Japanese girls, who are seen by their culture as ‘less than whole’, benefit from competing discourses to negotiate more positive versions of their ‘hybrid’ ethnic and gender identities.So to sum up, the principal function of FPDA is to highlight key discourses on gender as they are negotiated and performed within specific, localised contexts.