1.Organizmlarning evolyutsion rivojlanish jarayoni davomida ularning abiotik muhit omillariga moslashishi va boshqa organizmlar bilan erkin raqobat qilaolish xususiyati. Ushbu jarayonda ularda muxit omillari ta'siriga nisbatan fiziologik, morfologik va xulq-atvor moslashishlari paydo bo`ladi;
1.Organizmlarning evolutionary adaptation an important factor in the development of their abiotic and other organisms which can not compete with free feature . In this process , in which the influence of the environment factors , physiological , morphological , and manners appear to adapt ;
gr. hals - tuz + phytono'simlik) — kuchli sho'rlangan tuproqda o'suvchi o'simliklar.
g . Hals - salt + phytono'simlik ) - highly saline soil for growing plants
(< gr. hals — tuz + phobos-qo'rqish) — tuzli muhitdayashashgachidayolmaydigan organizmlar. Ularga chuchuk suvda yashovchilar (ko'pgina suvo'tlari, sodda organizmlar, zuluklar,ba'zi mollyuskalar, suv hasharotlari va chuchuk suv baliqlari) va tuproqdan makon topganlar kiradi
( < Gr . Hals - salt + Phobos - fear ) - salt muhitdayashashgachidayolmaydigan organisms . Them living in fresh water ( a lot of algae , a simple organism , the leech , some mollusks , insects and freshwater fish ) , and the dust found space
(gr. helios—quyosh +phileo-sevadigan)—yorug'likni sevuvchi organizmlar, quyosh-»sevarlar
Geliofillar ( gr . Helios + Philemon who love the sun ) light emitting loving organisms , echo in the sun
(gr. helios-quyosh +phyton - o'simlik) — quyosh nuri? ko'p tushadigan joylarda hayot*kechirishni xush ko'ruvchf**o'simliklar
( Gr . Helios - sun + phyton - plant ) - the light of the sun ? a lot of the plants , and the seeing and welcome to live a life where a drop **
Gelobiontlar organizmlar
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( < Gr . Helos living in the wetland . * + Biontos ) living --botqoqlikda
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( < Gr . Helos wetland + phyton - plant ) - wetlands o'sim- seek ( eg . , Sphagnum wetlands 9kiparisi )
(ayiqtovonsimonlar, qoqi va boshq.).
( < Gr . Hemi " semi - secret + kryptos + phyton- plant ) - a multi - year o'tchil stems of land plants in the winter, homemade , hidden in the growth buds on the surface of the earth , to to obtain protection under the snow or leaves in the cold , the plants began to grow again in the spring with the warming ( more common in middle latitudes o'tchil plants , eg . , linked - zi
ayiqtovonsimonlar , drying , et al . ) .
Populyatsiya. POPULYATSIYA
(yunoncha pоpulus; - guruh uyushma, хalq) — bu uzoq muddat davrida muayyan bir hududda yashaydigan yoki o’sadigan bir turga mansub individlar yig’indisidir. Populatsiya deganda bir turga oid bir-birlari bilan doimo bog’langan organizmlar yig’indisi e’tiborga olinadi
( Greek Populus ; group of community people ) - this is a long - term period , grow or live in a certain type of the sum of the individuals . Populations at least one type of a collection of organisms that are always connected to each other are taken into account
Populatsiyaning asosiy xususiyatlari:
organizmlarning to’g’ridan to’g’ri ekologik moslashishi, qayta ko’payishi va turg’unligi bo’lib, populatsiyning turg’unligi uzoq vaqt nasl qoldirish qobiliyatini saqlab qolishidir
direct adaptation of environmental organisms , growth and stability of the populations that stability for a long time to maintain generation capacity