1 republic of uzbekistan ministry of higher and secondary specialised education

parts of speech are not differentiated

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parts of speech are not differentiated. 
For example, in Chucotic language «вымынгынторген» means «я 
вынимаю руку». Here the sentence is alike a word. 
There are some languages of this type, for example, the so- called 
languages of American Indians. 
There exist some other classifications. The American linguist 
Edward Sapir classified language systems on the basis of two units: 
analytism and synthetism. All the languages may be described 
according to these two positions. 

The Russian linguist G. P. Melnikov classified languages on the 
basis of his inner determinants . G.P. Melnikov’s concept of inner 
determinants of languages allows to interpret the traditional 
morphological classification of languages as a system of types opposed 
according to their inner determinants in historically formed specific 
communicative conditions acting as external determinants of 
languages. Besides, there exists the so- called quantitative classification 
of the American linguist Greenberg Joseph, this classification resumes 
presence or absence of the statistical frequency of the isolated, isolated- 
agglutinated and inflected units. From this viewpoint Modern English 
is an analytical type and at the same time possesses some agglutinated 
Fortunatov F.F. considers the Arabic language to be agglutinated-
inflected as the roots in this language consist of consonants, and the 
"harakats", which are used after each consonant, express lexical and 
grammatical meanings. It is easy to change these 
(to place 
them after each consonant letter and to take them out). That is why 
Fortunatov F.F. considers this language to be agglutinated -inflected. 
Typological theory.
Typological operations are accomplished by 
typological theory, which are connected with establishing different 
etalon languages of linguistic investigations. It is also connected with 
description of different language universals, which may be described in 
different ways. 
Typological theory is not limited. Every typologist may establish 
and suggest his own method. For example, German linguists Schlegel 
Fr., Humboldt W., Bopp F. and others established typological theory 
for morphological classification of languages. Bondarko A. V. and 
others established functional-semantic categories, Otto Jespersen and 
Meshchaninov I.I.(the Russian linguist,etnographer,academician of the 
Russian Academy of Sciences) created 
notional categories, Gulyga E.V. and Shendels E.I.(1969) worked 
out lexico-grammatical fields, Buranov J.B. proposed 
typological categories. All these methods are connected with the 
typological theory. 
There are five types of linguistic typologies: phonetic, 
phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical. 
Phonetic typology deals with the comparison of units of phonetic 
level. It may compare units of related and non-related languages and 

studies the quantity of vowels and consonants, their articulation, 
presence or absence of some sounds, classification of languages 
according to the sounds' peculiarities. 
One of the first representatives of the phonetic typology was E. D. 
Polivanov. He is considered to be the founder of the phonetic typology. 
Phonetic system of Turkic languages is studied by professor Sherbak 
A. M.(1994). 
Phonological typology is a more isolated section than other 
typologies. It is one of the highly developed levels from the typological 
viewpoint. Phonological typology studies different phonological
features, phonological universals , it concentrates on phoneme
invariants and on implicational universals. It classifies languages 
according to the common phonological features. 
Nasal-non-nazal ; tonal-non-tonal; languages with initial stress -
languages with final stress; languages with vowel harmony. 
The founders of phonological typology are Trubetzkoy N.(1939), 
Jacobson R. (1941), Martinet A.(1961), Schmid S., Panov M.V., 
Shirokov O. S., Klychkov G.S. and others. Trubetzkoy N. created "The 
principles of phonology" which is the basis of phonological typology. 
Phonological typology is more isolated than other typologies. It is 
one of the highly developed levels from the typological viewpoint. 
phonological universals, differential features studied by Trubetzkoy N. 
and mentioned above linguists. 
Morphological typology studies the units of morphological level. 
It deals with two types of comparisons: 1) with morphological 
classification; 2) with grammatical categories. According to the 
morphological classification languages are classified due to their means 
of expression of the grammatical meaning. 
Grammatical categories may be of two types: primary grammatical 
categories, which deal with parts of speech; secondary grammatical 
categories deal with the categories within every part of speech 
separately: tense, aspect, voice, degrees of comparison, number, case , 
etc. Morphological typology is limited according to the number of 
languages applied to comparison. Topological operations, etalon 
languages are limited in this case correspondingly. Morphological 
typology studies morphological paradigms. It classifies languages into 
a) languages with highly developed morphology: Russian, Arabic; b) 

languages with less developed morphology: English, Bulgarian
Armenian, Persian; c) languages with non-developed morphology: 
Syntactic typology studies the syntactic structure of different 
languages, which consists of two sublevels: phrase level and sentence 
level. Syntactic typology studies types of syntactic relations and 
grammatical signals concerning the syntactic relations. In the system 
of languages there exist the following syntactic relations: coordination, 
subordination, predication. Syntactic ties are agreement, government 
and adjoining. Aggreement and government are productive in Russian, 
government and adjoining are productive in Uzbek, adjoining is 
productive in English, though all syntactic ties, agreement, government 
and adjoining, are found in the mentioned above languages. We speak 
about the productivity of the definite linguistic phenomenon in the 
language proceeding from its being uppermost in mind due to its usage 
much wider than the other ones used for the purpose taken into 
Lexical typology deals with the units of lexical level. It studies 
interlingual paradigms of words, inter-lingual invariance of meanings 
expressed by words and phrases. Some linguists combine lexical and 
semantic typologies. Lexical typology must be studied as an 
independent branch of linguistic typology, because it deals with lexical 
units, while semantic typology concerns every level of language 
Lexical typology consists of a) lexical typology of words; b) word-
building typology; c) comparative lexicology; d) lexic-stylistic 
typology; e) lexical typology of borrowings; f) lexical typology of 
phraseology; g) lexical typology of proverbs and sayings and many 
others. Each section has its own methods and tasks of investigation. 
Lexical typology is less studied than other branches of linguistic 
typology. Nevertheless, we can differentiate the main questions, which 
study the lexical typology. They are 1) definition of its subject matter 
and aim; 2) definition of its role in linguistic typology; 3) establishment 
of the main principles of lexical universals; 4) definition of the word 
structure of the languages and so on. 
There are two types of typologies according to two plans of the 

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