English prefixes are particles added to full words and it is mostly
observed in forming verbs. Prefixes
are more independent than
suffixes in English. They can be classified according to the nature of
words in which they are used: prefixes used in notional words and
prefixes used in functional words. Prefixes used in notional words
are considered to be bound morphemes: re- rewrite.
Auxiliary words
used in the function of affixes are considered to be semi-bound
morphemes , because they are met in the language as independent
words :
over- overprotected (as prefix) - over the book (as the preposition)
Prefixes can be classified according to the meaning:
a) prefixes of negative meaning: im- (impossible), non- (non-
payment) , un- (unable) etc.;
b) prefixes denoting repetition or contrastive actions: de-
(demotivate), re-(write), dis- (disagree);
c) prefixes denoting time, space, degree relations, such as : inter-
(international), hyper- (hyperactive) , pre- (pre-historic),
super -
In the Russian and Uzbek languages prefixes can also express
negative meaning : безоружный , неприятный (in Russian),
noma’qul, notog’ri (in Uzbek) There are many
prefixes in the Russian
and Uzbek languages which are not classified according to their
meaning : c-, при-, раз- : спутник, приoбрести, разоблачать .
In the
Uzbek language prefixes be -, ba-, no-, ham-, ser-
(bebaho,baobro’ serhosil, hamshahar, noma’lum ) are borrowed from
the Tajik language. Prefixation is a productive way of word
formation in these languages. Differing from
English and Russian,
prefixes in the Uzbek language do not form verbs, they are used for
the formation of nouns and adjectives. The adverbs in English can’t be
formed by prefixes, in Russian they do.
The main function of suffixes in compared languages is to form
one part of speech from another, the second function is to change the
lexical meaning of the word in the same part of speech: govern (verb)-
government (noun), music (noun)- musician (noun), писать (verb)-
писатель (noun), шахмат (noun)-шахматист (noun) , suhbat (noun)-
suhbatlash (verb), bola (noun)-bolalik (noun).
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