Other means of word formation:
Conversion, compounding and abbreviation
are observed in
the compared languages’ word formation.
Sound interchange
is the
characteristic feature of the English language: to heat – hot, to bleed –
blood; siz-sez(you-feel).
Stress interchange is also observed in compared languages:
to ex`port -`export, to ex`tract - `extract, з`амок -зам`ок, м`ука -
мук`а, `olma - olm`a, ‘yangi-yangi’.
Word formation by sound
is the way of word-building when a word
is formed by imitating different sounds. And this type of forming
words can be observed in all languages. There are some semantic
groups of words formed by means of sound imitation:
a) sounds produced by human beings: to whisper, to giggle, to
mumble, чихать, хихикать, бормотать, shivirlamoq, ming'irlamoq;
b) sounds produced by animals, birds, insects, such as: to hiss, to
buzz, to bark, лаять, мычать, miyovlamoq, vovullamoq;
c) sounds produced by nature and objects, such as: to splash, to
clatter, to ding-dong, звенеть, греметь, dukurlamoq, qars-qurs, jivir-
jivir, lip-lip.
Blending is the word formation by joining parts of two words:
biographical picture - biopic, breakfast lunch - brunch, web seminar -
webinar. This way of word formation is the characteristic feature of
the English language where the beginning of the first word is joined
with the ending of the second word .
Clipping is also the characteristic feature of the English
language word formation
, gymnasium-
. This way of word-formation is the reduction of a word
to one of its parts.Clipping is also known as shortening. Clipped forms
can pass into common usage when they are widely used and become
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