teaching English to the youth of our
country and preparing them for the
purpose of continuing scientific succession, substantiating the place of
their study. He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles,
including 2 textbooks, 6 educational and methodical, 9 monographs.
During the leadership of Sh.Safarov, an agreement was concluded
with 21 large foreign educational and scientific centers; 5 International,
12 Republican scientific conferences were held, the Institute for the first
time had a specialized Council in the specialty 10.02.04 german
languages, which was intended for the protection of candidate
The institute has established the publication of the journal
"Foreign philology", which is constantly on the HAC list. Currently
professor Sh. Safarov is working as the responsible editor of this
journal. During his leadership, 6 new directions were opened at the
Institute (Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and translation
studies); centers are operating, opened in cooperation with more than
10 countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan,
China, South Korea, Egypt.
During trips in countries such as Great Britain, Denmark,
Germany, Italy, France, Israel, Japan, Shahriyar Safarov collected
information about the educational system of these countries and
constantly delivered them to the educational authorities. Having gained
experience in the results of such research, Shahriyar Safarov became
one of the organizers of the joint magistracy in the specialties of
museum studies and source Studies, which was introduced in
cooperation with the University of Bologna (Italy) among the first in
our country at Samarkand State University .
Under the scientific leadership of Professor Sh.Safarov, more than
40 candidates of Sciences were trained
doctors of Philosophy (PhD) and doctors
of Sciences, 36 candidates and doctoral
dissertations were opponent.
Mirzaev Ibodulla Kamolovich was
born on January 2, 1946 in the
Zharkurgan district of the Surkhandarya
region in a peasant’s family. Ibodulla
Mirzaev started his career in 1967 as an
English teacher at the secondary
school#1 in Termiz. I.K.Mirzaev, whose
specialty was a French language teacher - philologist, soon gained
attention as an English teacher, and later the school administration
appointed him as the head of the English language office. He studied at
the National University of Uzbekistan, Samarkand State University, St.
Petersburg University, Moscow State University, Moscow University
of World Languages and took advanced training courses in France.
Being involved in writing scientific works is an important part of
Professor Ibodulla Mirzaev's activity. Monographs such as "French
specific words and issues of artistic translation", "Theory of linguistic
analysis", "Lexical and morphological features of rhyme", "Professor
S.N. Ivanov. Bibliographic index", "Professor A.V. Fyodorov.
Bibliographic index", "V.G. Gak. Bibliographic index" (in
cooperation), "A. Abdurakhmanov. Works such as "Biobibliographic
Index"; Dictionaries such as "Uzbek alternatives to French proverbs and
dictionary", "French-Uzbek dictionary" can be a clear proof of our
Scientific translations are another essential part of Professor
Ibodulla Mirzaev’s activity. His "Gak V.G. Theoretical grammar of the
French language", "Jakobson O. Methodological problems", "Ivanov
S.N. Turkish language course", "Linguistic analysis methods", "Lotman
Yu.M. Poetic text analysis. Poem Structure", E.E. Bertels' "Literature
of Sufism and Sufism", "Navoi and Attar", "Epics writings about
Iskandar before Navoi’s period", "Saddi Iskandari" epic by Navoi,
"Nur-ul-Ulum", "Khoraqani”, translations of such monographs as "Nur
ul-Ulum" and "The Main Stages of Persian Sufism Poetry" are among
them. Works of academicians E.E. Bertels, Yu, M. Lotman,
L.V.Shcherba, professors Baudouin do' Courtenay, V. Kudryavtsev, A.
Bogoroditsky, S. Kartsevsky, S. Ivanov, V. Gak, I. Kovtunova, L.
Zubova, J. Lyons, L. Bloomfield were skillfully translated into Uzbek
language by I.K.Mirzaev. Translations of F. Do Saussure's "General
Linguistics Course", "Prague Linguistics Complete Theses", E.E.
Bertels' "Literature of Sufism and Sufism", "Navoi and Attor" are the
highlights of M.K. Mirzaev's translating activity.
If you look at the life path of Sano
Saidov, professor of the Department of
German Philology of Bukhara State
University, you will be able to witness
how difficult and fruitful it was. After
all, he carried out significant work as a
philologist-germanist, both translator,
establishment and improvement of the
languages in the system of higher and secondary education in the
Republic, and thanks to his multifaceted activities he gained recognition
and attention not only in our country, but also outside its borders.
Having conducted teaching and research work in harmony, the
teacher studied in 1961-1964 at the Graduate School of the Tashkent
State Institute of foreign languages, where he studied. At the same time,
working at the Department of foreign languages of the Academy of
Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he studied and taught graduate
students both in the process of teaching German, and studied practice
and theory among themselves. His mentor is the famous germanist
N.A.Under the leadership of Zusmanovskaya began to study the nature
of modal words, which were not studied in German and Uzbek
linguistics. For the first time in Uzbek linguistics, modal brought the
concept of Word and modality, substantiating, classifying modal words
as a special word category, clarifying which word category has so far
been attributed to its composition, clarifying its syntactic function,
researching the history of its origin, and finally summarizing the issues
of their application. Describing the results of his observations in this
area in a number of articles, such as "on the issue of classification of
modal words", "from the history of the study of modal words",
"syntactic functions of modal words in the current German and Uzbek
languages", he was the first in the history of Uzbek linguistics to begin
a comparative typological study of the phenomenon Summarizing his
conclusions in this area, on October 14, 1964, he successfully defended
his Ph. D. thesis on "modal words in German and Uzbek languages" at
the specialized scientific council of the Uzbek Institute of language and
literature, and was the first among the National personnel in the German
language to receive the degree of candidate of philological Sciences. In
other words, he was the first swallow among National personnel in
Uzbekistan in the field of German and Uzbek languages and defended
his dissertation.
The teacher considered the conduct of scientific work as an
integral part of labor activity. The number of published scientific works
exceeds 200. Of these, 10 are textbooks and manuals. These are"
German-Uzbek"," Uzbek-German "dictionaries," German-Uzbek,
Uzbek-German "educational vocabulary," German-Uzbek colloquial","
German grammar (in Uzbek)","German grammar in samples "(in
German),"German grammar in exercises "(in German),"German
grammar in exercises" (in German), "German grammar in practice" (in
German). 10 scientific articles of the teacher were published in such
scientific journals as "Sprachpflege" – ("culture of speech"), "Deutsch
als Fremdsprache" – ("German as a foreign language"), "NDL - Neue
– ("new German literature"), "Das
Hochschulwesen" – ("High School"). 25 scientific articles are on the
page of magazines published in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Scientific articles on a number of translations and translation
issues were published in the magazines "star of the East", "art of
translation", "world literature", "Bliss", "Gulistan", "Mushtum" and the
newspaper "literature and Art of Uzbekistan".
Yakubov Jamoliddin Abduvalievich was born
on April 26, 1955 in Andijan region. Doctor of
Abduvalievich, head of the Department of Theory
and Practice of the French Language at the Faculty
of Roman-Germanic Philology of UzSWLU,
graduated from the Faculty of French at the former
Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign
Languages with honors in 1978.
J.A. Yakubov's scientific activity was fruitful, he wrote more than
150 scientific works. Among them, he created 3 monographs, 3
textbooks, 4 manuals, as well as curricula for students and masters.
More than 50 scientific works were published in the last five years.
J.A. Yakubov conducted his scientific and pedagogical activities in
a joint way with public affairs. In addition to actively participating in
the "Young Scientist" school established at UzSWLU sharing his
knowledge and experience with young professionals, he also worked as
an expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission for
Philological Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2007-2009,
where he justified the high trust given to him in the objective evaluation
of dissertations.
J.A. Yakubov had the honor of lecturing the students studying at
the Master's Department of the Sorbonne University for three months
on the subject "Actual problems of theoretical grammar of the French
Based on National personnel training program, J.A.Yakubov's
wrote curricula for first- and second-year students on the subject "Main
foreign language (oral and written speech)" and for third-year students
in the theoretical subjects "Theoretical grammar", "Introduction to
Roman philology" and "History of the Language" and they are printed
and used in the educational process. In 2014, he co-authored a new
textbook "Communicative grammar of the French language" for first-
and second-year students.
In 2015, Mr. Jacques Henri Ols, Ambassador of France in
Uzbekistan awarded J.A. Yakubov with the PALMA order of the
French Academy.
This top award was the respect, attention and
appreciation for J.A. Yakubov's pedagogical activity. This award was
presented for his achievements in science, his great contribution to the
teaching and development of the French language. This high award is
the result of J.A.Yakubov's 35 years of work.
Currently, he works as a professor at the Department of Theoretical
Sciences of the French Language. Also, Jamoliddin Yakubov works as
a member of the scientific council under DSc.03/30.12.219. Phil/Ped
ed. 27.01 giving academic degrees at the State University of World
Languages of Uzbekistan and as the chairman of the scientific seminar
under the same scientific council.
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