involvement of sound and noise in the pronunciation of sounds. The
division continues in this way to a separate phoneme. Both vowels and
consonants are subdivided into subgroups based on opposite signs. For
example, the Uzbek language has a system of 6 vowels, which are
distinguished from consonants by their silence. However,
the system
itself is divided on the basis of the opposite characteristics of the
elements. The contrast of the vowels is as follows:
i ~ u e ~ o ‘a ~ o
In general, phonemes, which are the smallest linguistic units, are a
general pattern of sound patterns created by human speech organs and
live in our minds as a series of generalizations of infinite sounds. Based
on these psycho-acoustic images
in the minds of the speakers, they
move the limbs and create sounds. Or the listener compares the sounds
made by others to the pattern in his mind by hearing them.
Phonemes have the property of distinguishing meanings, and this
phenomenon is not observed in sounds with different forms of the same
phoneme. When a sound is replaced by a sound that is a reflection of
another phoneme, the
meaning of the word is renewed, that is, it
becomes another word. For this reason,
the phoneme has been
described as the smallest, meaningful and indivisible unit of language,
for ex. in Uzbek: kuch-ko’ch (strength-move (from one place to
another); in English :bad-bed, sheep-ship.
Lexemes and words
. A lexeme is a unit of language that serves to
name, express, and represent all phenomena. A lexeme as a linguistic
unit consists of two psychophysical-acoustic structures (sound shells),
one of which cannot exist without the other, i.e. the nomema and the
semantic structure formed on the basis of a certain concept, i.e. the unity
of the semema.
The sound structure of lexemes as a
linguistic unit is based on
different combinations of phonetic units.
Each lexeme also has a content as a linguistic unit. The content plan
of lexemes refers to concepts that denote an object, action, sign,
quantity, etc., in an entity called denotations or referents.
Concepts and
meanings are not the same thing, they have different characteristics. For
example, people who speak English, Russian,
and German have the
concepts of
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