TYPICAL COMPONENTS OF A MEMO: 1. HEADER: The Opening / Header Component consists of -
i. the Name of the Receiver and the Department that he belongs to
ii. the Name of the Sender and the department to which he belongs
iii. the Date.
iv. Reference number is needed if the action / enquiry takes a long period.
2. PURPOSE: A clear purpose statement (Subject) of the Memo.
3. DISCUSSION: A brief background of the subject of the Memo, the detailed information about the Subject.
4. ACTION: The benefits / recommendations / actions taken, whichever is applicable.
5. SUMMARY: A clear concise statement, which stresses the purpose once again.
6. CC or BCC - to whom that Memo is meant and the name and signature of the sender.
SAMPLE MEMO I : (Reason 1:to a person / persons who is / are at fault and pulled up for his / their acts of commission or omission)
As the Principal of a Private College, draft a Memo to an employee who always comes late - issuing him a warning. ST.JOHN’S COLLEGE CHENNAI Inter office Memorandum To : Dr.S.Keshav, Associate Professor of Bio-Chemistry
From :Principal Date : March 11, 2015
Sub : Warning for being late to the work It is noticed that you have been always a late comer to the College mostly. You belong to this place only and there is no genuine reason behind your act.
The information was taken to the Principal’s notice as it affects the normal functioning of classes which you are handling. The Staff who are adjusting your classes find it hard to fit in it as they have not been informed earlier about your absence. The students also find it very difficult to cope with the situation as exams are nearing. Already many staff are overworking and still they are adjusting the situation without even murmuring.
If you come late hereafter, it would be considered casual leave.
Hence, you are directed to handle your classes as per the time table allotted to you. Hope you will be inside the college campus at the right time from tomorrow onwards.