Gipsovoloknistыy list (KNAUF- superlist) — gomogennыy ekologicheski chistыy stroitelnыy Gypsum sheet (Knauf
super list) -homogeneous
Gips tolali listlar: (KNAUF-
superlist) ekologik toza
qurilish materiali. To‘ldirgich
material, izgotovlyaemыy iz gipsa ne nije G-4, s raspuщennoy sellyuloznoy makulaturoy v kachestve napolnitelya. building material manufactured
from gypsum is not lower than
the G-4, with the dissolved
waste paper pulp as a filler.
sifatida maydalangan qog‘oz
chiqindisi, bog‘lovchi markasi
G-4 dan kam bo‘lmagan gips
Gipsokartonnыy list (KNAUF-list) — listovoy otdelochnыy material, sostoyaщiy iz gipsovogo vspenennogo serdechnika, vse ploskosti kotorogo, krome torsevыx kromok, oblitsovanы kartonom, prochno prikleennыm k serdechniku. Gypsum board (Knauf
sheet) - a sheet finishing
material consisting of foamed
gypsum core, all of which plane
than the end edges are lined
cardboard glued firmly to the
Gipsli qoplama listlar – gips
bog‘lovchisi asosidagi quruq
suvoq ikki tomoni kartondan
iborat, o‘rtasiga yupqa gips
qo‘yilgan list bo‘lib, yaxlit
holda yuqori mustahkamlikka
ega bo‘ladi.
Glazur — steklovidnoe zaщitno- dekorativnoe pokrыtie na keramike, zakreplyaemoe objigom. Glaze - vitreous protective and
decorative coating on ceramics,
are fixed by firing.
Glazur: SHishasimon
pardozbop qoplama material.
Gorbыl — srezannaya pri
raspilivanii bokovaya chast brevna.
Slab - cut off at the side of the
sawing logs.