Ustalost materialov – izmenenie
mexanicheskix i fizicheskix
svoystv materiala,
pod dlitelnыm
deystviem siklicheski
izmenyayuщixsya vo vremeni
napryajeniy i deformatsiy.
Fatigue of materials - change in
the mechanical and physical
properties of the material under
the influence of prolonged cycles
of time-varying stresses and
Materiallarning charchashi: Uzoq muddat davomida vaqti
vaqti bilan deformativ
kuchlanishlar ta’sir etganda
materiallarni fizik mexanik
xossalarini o‘zgarishi.
Ustanovka flotatsionnaya – ustanovka dlya
vыdeleniya iz stochnыx vod
tonkodispersnыx tverdыx ili
emulgirovannыx jidkix
mexanicheskix primesey putem
prilipaniya ix k poverxnosti
vozdushnыx puzыrkov.
Flotation - set for discharges
from wastewater fine solid or
emulsified liquid solids by
sticking them to the surface of
air bubbles.
Flotatsion qurilma: oqava
suvlarda zararli moddalarni
tozalovchi qurilma.
Faktura —poverxnosti,
svoystvennыy materialu ili
xarakterdannomu svyazannыy s ego
Texture - the nature of the
surface, characteristic of the
material or associated with its
Faktura: Material yuzasini
Folgoizol – rulonnыy
material, kotorыy sostoit iz tonkoy
alyuminievoy folgi i nanesennoy na
nee bitumno-rezinovogo zaщitnogo
Foil insulating - roofing,
waterproofing material, which
consists of a thin aluminum foil
and coated thereon bitumen-
rubber protective layer.
Folgaizol – yupqa alyuminiy
folgasi va unga qoplangan
bitumrezinali himoyalovchi
qatlamdan iborot o‘rama
Xrupkost – sposobnost tverdыx tel
razrushatsya pri mexanicheskix
vozdeystviyax bez zametnoy
plasticheskoy deformatsii (svoystvo,
protivopolojnoe plastichnosti).
Fragility - the ability to break
down solids by mechanical
action without appreciable
plastic deformation (property
opposite plasticity).