Nagruzka postoyannaya –
nagruzka, kotoraya deystvuet
postoyanno v techenie vsego sroka
slujbы zdaniya ili soorujeniya.
Load constant - load that is
permanent for the duration of
the building services or
Doimiy yuklama. Bino yoki
inshootning xizmat davrida
unga doim ta’sir etib keluvchi
Napolniteli - poroshkoobraznыe materialы, chastitsы kotorыx soizmerimы s chastitsami vyajuщego veщestva. Zapolnyayut Fillers - powdery material
particles which are
commensurate with the binder
particles. Fill the solution into
To‘ldirgichlar: Kukunsimon material
zarrachalari bog‘lovchi modda
zarrachalaridek, qorishmalarda
komponentlar bilan
porы v rastvore bez vstupleniya v ximicheskie reaksii s komponentami, uvelichivayut vodouderjivayuщuyu sposobnost. pores without entering into
chemical reactions with
components that increase the
waterholding capacity.
reaksiyaga kirishmaydi. Suv
ushlab turish xususiyatini
Neorganicheskie vyajuщie veщestva — poroshkoobraznыe mineralnыe materialы, kotorыe pri smeshivanii s vodoy ili vodnыmi rastvorami nekotorыx soley obrazuyut testo (plasticheskuyu massu), sposobnoe so vremenem otverdevat, prevraщayas v kamnevidnoe telo. Inorganic binders - powdered
mineral materials, which when
mixed with water or aqueous
solutions of some salts form a
dough (plastic mass) capable
over time to solidify, turning
into the stone body.
Anorganik bog‘lovchi moddalar: Kukunsimon
mineral material, suv bilan
aralashtirilganda plastik xamir
hosil bo‘ladi, vaqt o‘tishi bilan
qotib toshsimon mineralga