Adu-nun Tərcümə fakültəsi üzrə German dillərinin tərcümə nəzəriyyəsi

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Sənədləşmə və terminologiya IV bilet

ADU-nun Tərcümə fakültəsi üzrə

German dillərinin tərcümə nəzəriyyəsi

və praktikası kafedrasının

Sənədləşmə və terminologiya fənnindən

IVkurs,VII semestr, 2020-2021ci il tədris ilinin

payız imtahan sessiyası, Azərbaycan,/rus bölməsi


İmtahan bileti

I.. Write about: Morphological change rules: (10bal)

Form neologisms (that is, new lexical items) are created through a variety of processes, including:

  • derivation: by adding grammatical prefixes or suffixes to established terms (e.g. digital – digitize, digitization)

  • composition: by joining bound and free forms in single words (e.g. cyberspace, nonbiodegradable, overtime)

  • compounding: by joining two or more words in phrasal compounds (e.g. database management system, broadcast, Webcast)

  • blending: by clipping and joining parts of multiple words in a single word (e.g. e-mail – from electronic mail, simulcast – from simultaneous broadcast, blogging – from Web and logging)

  • acronymy and initialization: by joining certain syllables or letters from compounds (e.g. AIDS, CD-ROM)

  • borrowing: adopting a word from another language (e.g. Triticum, turgidum, durum)

The acceptance of neologisms depends on such factors as their brevity (e.g. e-mail for electronic mail), their mnemonics (e.g. applet for little application) and their potential for derivation or productivity (e.g. e-mail, e-mails, e-mailing, e-mailed). But the most important factor in the acceptance of neologisms is their motivation: the term should reflect the characteristics of the concept it designates. Its lexical components should provide an idea of the concept itself. For instance, software library is easily understood as a collection of computer programs.

The reason for creating the neologism may be stylistic (e.g. visually-impaired, for blind), technological (e.g. intelligent personal assistant, for the new palm-held computer connected to the Internet), social (e.g. chairperson, for a gender-neutral position title), or functional, so called because a new way of designating the concept is dictated by the situation in which communication is needed (e.g. palm, from the trademark Palm, for the palm-held computer connected to the Internet).

  1. Write about: Term Versus Word (10bal)

Terms differ from words in that they are endowed with a special form of reference, namely that they refer to discrete conceptual entities, properties, activities or relations which constitute the knowledge space of a particular subject field. As far as terms are concerned, we can say that behind each term there should ideally be a clearly defined concept which is systematically related to the other concepts that make up the knowledge structure of the text or discourse in question. The choice of the term should reflect this concept effectively and unambiguously, and the outward form the term takes should be generally acceptable. Another important Difference between terms and words is that a term keeps its life and its meaning only for as long as it serves the system of knowledge that gave rise to it.

There are also cases where a term has no parallel variant in a target language of translation. Translators are therefore basically always dealing with variants, except where a concept has only one designation. They need to undertake their own research to establish in which setting a variant is or is not acceptable. Besides being able to separate terms from words, identify compounds or other

Thus,a term, or TERMINOLOGY unit, is the name or designation of a concept in a particular subject field. A term may be:

  • a word

  • an expression

  • a symbol

  • a chemical or mathematical formula

  • a scientific name in Latin

  • an acronym

  • an initialism

  • the official title of a position, organization or administrative unit

A term or terminology unit in a specialized language is distinguished from a word in general language by its single-meaning relationship (called monosemy) with the specialized concept that it designates and by the stability of the relationship between form and content in texts dealing with this concept (called lexicalization).

Other indications that you are dealing with a term are its frequency of use and its relatively fixed contextual surroundings (its co-occurrents), and any typographical enhancements (for example, italics, boldface print, and quotation marks). Terms have a rather limited set of morphological and lexical structures: generally, terms are nouns (simple, derived, or compound), but sometimes a verb, adjective, noun phrase, verb phrase, or adjective phrase proves to be a term.

It is important to be able to differentiate between words and terms, because terminology work is not equivalent to taking an inventory of words. That is the purview ofgeneral language dictionaries. Terminology work consists of establishing specialized vocabularies, that is, tying designations to their respective concepts in a particular subject field.

  1. Translate the following terms into Azerbaijani and define the field of terms :(10 bal)

1.Concrete coating - beton örütk (construction, oil and gas)

2.Congealing - laxtalanma (medicine)

3.The Centers for Disease Control - Xəstəliyə nəzarət mərkəzləri (medicine)

4.Catalytic cracking - katalitik krekinq (oil and gas)

5.Est modus in rebus. - hər şeyin öz həddi var (socio-political)

6.Thanatology - Tanatologiya (philosophical)

7.Internecine war - vətəndaş müharibəsi (socio-political)

8.Stratocracy – Stratokratiya (hərbi rütbəlilərin hakimiyyəti) (socio-political, military)

9.Binding force – məcburi qüvvə (legal)

10.Severe acute respiratory syndrome - ağır kəskin respirator sindrom (medicine)

  1. Translate the following text into Azerbaijani and underline the terms: (10 bal)

Thanatology is the scientific study of death. It investigates the mechanisms and forensic aspects of death, such as bodily changes that accompany death and the post-mortem period, as well as wider social aspects related to death. In order to understand the ways in which modern and historical cultures have dealt with the theme of dying, cultural anthropology and archaeology are employed. Biological aspects of study come into play when considering what happens to the body at the moment of death and afterward. Also in the biological sciences field comes the concept of medical ethics in which topics like euthanasia and living wills are given much consideration.

Tanatologiya ölümlə bağlı elmi tədqiqatdır. Ölümü və ölümdən sonrakı dövrdə orqanizmdə baş verən fiziki dəyişikliklər kimi ölüm mexanizmlərini və ölümün məhkəmə-tibbi aspektlərini, həmçinin ölümlə əlaqəli daha geniş sosial aspektləri araşdırır. Müasir və tarixi (qədim) mədəniyyətlərin ölüm mövzusuna olan yanaşmasını anlamaq üçün mədəni antropologiya və arxeologiyadan istifadə olunur. Ölüm anında və ölümdən sonra insan orqanizmində hansı proseslərin baş verdiyini araşdırarkən elmin bioloji aspektləri meydana çıxır. Həmçinin bioloji elmlər sahəsində evtanaziya və evtanaziya edilmə haqqında vəsiyyət (tibbi vəsiyyət) kimi daha çox diqqət yetirilən mövzuların yer aldığı tibbi etika anlayışı meydana gəlir. (philosophical)

  1. Insert the necessary terms given below: (10 bal)

  1. Cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons was originally done by thermal cracking, which has been almost completely replaced by catalytic cracking because it produces more gasoline with a higher octane rating.

  2. Together with proteins, nucleic acids make up the most important macromolecules;

  3. Since the advent of the telegraph in the mid-nineteenth century, the International Telecommunication Union has been among the key players in helping the world to communicate.

  4. Following the successful conclusion of the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society, the entire United Nations system is committed to the plan of action.

  5. For the sake of current and future generations, we must achieve the goals of these landmark instruments.

World Summit, telegraph, International Telecommunication Union, proteins, thermal cracking, landmark instruments.

German dillərinin tərcümə nəzəriyyəsi və praktikası kafedrasının 19 Noyabr 2020-ci il tarixli iclasının qərarı ilə təsdiq edilmişdir. (Protokol №3).

Tərtib etdi: b/m T.V.Məmmədova

Kafedra müdiri: Fil.f.d.M.Ə.Hacıyeva

Qeyd: İmtahan biletində sualların obyektiv qiymətləndirilməsi üçün kafedra müdiri cavabdehlik daşıyır.
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