2-boshlovchi: -Til “Xazoyin –ul maoniy”dan keur,
Boshlanur shundan adab karvonimiz,
To navoiy bor muhabbat dildadir,
So’lmag’ay hargiz ko’ngil bo’stonmiz.
Shul ismdanyurt aro yuz ming umid,
Shul ismdan nurlanur davronimiz.
Shirin:Nedur ahvoling ey zor-u g‘aribim
Visolim davlatidin benasibim
Bu yukdin jism-u chun nola nechundir?
Qattiq g‘urbar aro holing ne erkin?
Achchiq furqatda ahvoling ne erkin?
Farhod:Nigoro, ahvollo iffatpanoho,
Jahon mahbashlarig‘a podshoho.
G‘amingdur manga tob-u tavon ham
Erur darding quit jon ham.
5 - o‘quvchilar: Qo‘shiq. Besh yarim asrdan o‘tsada ustoz
Siz tergan gavharga biz hanuz muhtoj
Siz tuzgan devonga yetmaydi quloch
Siz turkiy tiliga qo‘ydirdingiz toj
Naqorat: O‘tsada necha yil necha bir zamon
Shoirlar bo‘ynida siz bergan tumor
Besh yarim asrdan o‘tsada zamon
Adolatga chorlar siz qurgan minor
O‘tsada necha yil necha bir zamon
Shoirlar bo‘ynida siz bergan tumor
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
A friend in need is a friend indeed
A good name is better than riches
East or West,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Mehmonda yaxshi, uyda undan ham yaxshi. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Do'st boshga kulfat tushganda bilinadi. First think, then speak. Avval o'yla, keyin so'yla. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Shoxdagi ikki qushdan qo'lingdagi qush yaxshi. A good name is better than riches. Obro' boylikdan qadrlidir. All that glitters is not gold. Hamma yaltiraydigan narsa oltin emas. Art is long, life is short. San'at hayotdan uzun. Be slow to promise and quick to perform. Kam vada ber, tez bajar. Better late than never. Hechdan ko'ra kech. C hoose an author as you choose a friend. Kitobni do'stdek tanla. D on't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Bugungi ishni ertaga qoyma. Everything is good in its season. Har narsaning o'z vaqtida bo’lgani yaxshi. Good health is above wealth. Sog'lik boylikdan afzal. Hasty climbers have sudden falls. Shoshganning ishi unmas. H e laughs best who laughs last. Birinchi kulgu kulgu emas, oxirgi kulgu haqiqiy kulgu. H e who would search for pearls must dive below. Marvarid izlagan daryoga chuqur shong’ishi kerak. If you run after two hares, you will catch none. Ikki kemaning boshini tutgan daryoga g'arq boladi. It is never too late to learn. Ilm olishning erta kechi bolmaydi. It is no use crying over spilt milk. Bo’lgan ishga ko’z yosh qilganning foydasi yo’q. Live and learn. Beshikdan qabrgacha ilm izla. Lost time is never found again. Yo’qotilgan vaqt hech qachon topilmas. Many words hurt more than sword. Qilich yarasi bitar, so'z yarasi bitmas. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Bugungi ishni ertaga qo’yma. No pains, no gains. Mehnatsiz rohat bo’lmas. Promise little, but do much. Kam va'da ber, ko'p ish qil. Rome was not built in a day. Rim bir kunda qurilmagan. Speech is silver but silence is gold. Gapirish–yaxshi, jimlik–undan ham yaxshi. There is no place like home. O'z uying-o'lan to'shaging. Truth is stranger than fiction. Haqiqat achchiq boladi. Two heads are better than one. Bir boshdan ikki bosh yaxshiroq. We never know the value of water until the well is dry. Oldingdan oqqan suvning qadri yo'q. What can't be cured, must be endured. Kasallikni davolaguncha, oldini olgan avfzal. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Kimning aravasiga minsang,o’shaning qo'shig'ini aytasan. Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. Achchiqni tatimaguncha, shirinlikning qadri yo'q. Back Street Boys