• 2022 expenditure: EUR 300,000 The partnership between the Italian Red Cross,
the IFRC and the Villa Maraini Foundation pro-
vides training and specialized services for
harm reduction, addiction and infectious
diseases, to National Societies, NGOs and
governmental entities.
It also manages transnational projects
co-financed by the European Commission and
other donors implemented in partnership
with National Societies, as well as with other
In 2022, a local situation assessment tool was
developed for National Societies to collect
information on barriers, gaps and needs in
implementing HR programmes.
The partnership engaged in advocacy during
numerous events in 2022, including the 65th
Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at
the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
co-organizing two side events.
In Iran, a project co-financed by the EuropeAid
programme of the European Commission, sup-
ports the Iranian Red Crescent to implement
harm reduction programmes for drug-addicted
people who live in harsh conditions of social
In Kenya, a project funded and implemented by
the Italian Red Cross with the technical support
of Villa Maraini, is assisting the Kenyan Red
Cross to establish a rehabilitation centre on the
island of Lamu.
In addition, the VOLPRIS Project, coordinated by
the Centre for European Volunteering based in
Brussels, collected good practices on volunteer-
ing inside prison.
Transfusion Research Centre Belgian Red Cross rodekruis.be/transfusion-research-center
• 2022 expenditure: EUR 1.7 million In 2022, the laboratory developed a novel human
platelet lysate (hPL) that is based on a leftover
product of common blood donations. This novel
hPL is added to the portfolio of products that
are derived from human blood donations and
are used for the expansion of cells and tissues
in the medical field of tissue engineering.
The Transfusion Research Centre also collabo-
rated with a research group that is engineering
bone tissue to bring laboratory-made bone
structures to the patient. It successfully con-
tributed to the
consortium that
constructed a web-based database of COVID-19
convalescent plasma donations and transfusions
across Europe.
In another project, the centre’s laboratory
demonstrated that such COVID-19 convalescent
plasma may act to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmis-
sion by applying it intranasally. This work used
an animal model, so next steps are to confirm
its potential in humans. Finally, the centre
launched two novel research projects in 2022;
one will investigate the grafting of fat tissue that
is enriched with platelets and another will focus
on making platelets from blood stem cells.
Red Cross Red Crescent Reference Centres