Needs-firstapproachtoinnovation – An approach to innovation in which companies first uncover the customer’s needs, then determine which are unmet, and then devise solutions to address those unmet needs.
Newmarket – A new job that a group of customers want to get done because of changes in policy or conditions,
scientific discoveries, or in support of a new technology, or a job that a significant group of customers now want to get done due to a demographic trend.
Marketselection – The process of deciding what customers and Jobs-to-be-Done to target to create new revenue streams.
Marketstrategy – A plan that a company devises in order to achieve and maintain a unique and valued competitive position in a market. A market strategy includes the creation of a value proposition, product positioning and messaging, and the formulation of a digital marketing strategy.
ODI-basedresearchmethods – The qualitative and quantitative research methods that are integral to the Outcome-Driven Innovation process.
Opportunity – An unmet need; a desired outcome that is both important and poorly satisfied (underserved), or a desired outcome that is unimportant and very well satisfied (overserved).
Opportunityalgorithm – The formula used to determine the degree to which a specific outcome or related or emotional job is under- or overserved. It is defined as opportunity = importance + max(importance – satisfaction, 0).
Opportunitylandscape – A visual depiction of the opportunities that exist in a market and the degree to which the customer’s desired outcomes are under-or overserved.
Outcome-basedcreativitytriggers – A set of creativity triggers created by Strategyn that provide inventors with possible ways to address underserved unmet desired outcomes.