Art in Uzbekistan Plan

part of the sights of the fabulous Bukhara

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part of the sights of the fabulous Bukhara. 
Khiva - "city-museum", striking with its beauty 
The city of Khiva, the pearl of the Khorezm oasis, is also rich in architectural 
monuments. The whole world knows Khiva for its unique "city inside a city" -
 Ichan-Kala, minaret of Kalta-Minar, fortress of Kunya-Ark, the magnificent 
mosques and madrassas, and the unusual fortress "Kyrk kyz" ("fortress of forty 
girls"), covered in legends. What can we say, even the foundation of the city itself 
is associated with a well dug by the decree of the son of Noah. True or not, the 
well does exist today. 
Termez – the Buddhist center of Uzbekistan 
Well, the last but not least on our list is Termez - the southernmost city in 
Uzbekistan. Previously, it was called Demetris and Ta-li-mi. Bactrian, Islamic and 
predominantly Buddhist religions are popular among the population of this region. 
Such a merger could not but affect the style of architectural masterpieces of 
antiquity here. Among them: Buddhist complex "Fayaz tepe", family burial vault 
Sultan-Saodat, Djarkurgan minaret, Alexander Nevsky temple, Aral-Paygambar 
reserve with the mausoleum of the Prophet Zu-l-kifl (Ezekiel) and other sights. 
That’s how we see the top of the most famous ancient cities in Uzbekistan, which 
must be visited, in order to feel the true oriental spirit and to feel how rich the 
history of Central Asia is. And although this list can be continued indefinitely, it is 
these six cities that very vividly represent the culture and life of the ancient world. 

Health problems 
2.Health problems 
In common usage and medicine, health, according to the World Health 
Organization, is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not 
merely the absence of disease and infirmity".
 A variety of definitions have been 
used for different purposes over time. Health can be promoted by encouraging 
healthful activities, such as regular physical exercise and adequate sleep,
 and by 
reducing or avoiding unhealthful activities or situations, such as smoking or 
excessive stress. Some factors affecting health are due to individual choices, such 
as whether to engage in a high-risk behavior, while others are due 
to structural causes, such as whether the society is arranged in a way that makes it 
easier or harder for people to get necessary healthcare services. Still, other factors 
are beyond both individual and group choices, such as genetic disorders. 
The meaning of health has evolved over time. In keeping with 
the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the 
body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could 
be disrupted from time to time by disease. An example of such a definition of 
health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological 
integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; 
ability to deal with physical, biological, psychological, and social stress".
in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health 
Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health 
to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely 
the absence of disease and infirmity".
 Although this definition was welcomed by 
some as being innovative, it was also criticized for being vague and excessively 
broad and was not construed as measurable. For a long time, it was set aside as an 
impractical ideal, with most discussions of health returning to the practicality of 
the biomedical model.
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a 
process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. Again, the WHO played a 
leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement 
in the 1980s. This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in 
dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". In 1984, 
WHO revised the definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an 
individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and to change or 
cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective 
of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as 
well as physical capacities."
 Thus, health referred to the ability to 
maintain homeostasis and recover from adverse events. Mental, intellectual, 
emotional and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire 
skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency 
and independent living.
 This opens up many possibilities for health to be taught, 
strengthened and learned. 

Since the late 1970s, the federal Healthy People Program has been a visible 
component of the United States' approach to improving population health.
each decade, a new version of Healthy People is issued,
 featuring updated goals 
and identifying topic areas and quantifiable objectives for health improvement 
during the succeeding ten years, with assessment at that point of progress or lack 
thereof. Progress has been limited to many objectives, leading to concerns about 
the effectiveness of Healthy People in shaping outcomes in the context of a 
decentralized and uncoordinated US health system. Healthy People 2020 gives 
more prominence to health promotion and preventive approaches and adds a 
substantive focus on the importance of addressing social determinants of health. A 
new expanded digital interface facilitates use and dissemination rather than bulky 
printed books as produced in the past. The impact of these changes to Healthy 
People will be determined in the coming years.
Systematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health 
in humans are undertaken by health care providers. Applications with regard to 
animal health are covered by the veterinary sciences. The term "healthy" is also 
widely used in the context of many types of non-living organizations and their 
impacts for the benefit of humans, such as in the sense of healthy 
communities, healthy cities or healthy environments. In addition to health 
care interventions and a person's surroundings, a number of other factors are 
known to influence the health status of individuals. These are referred to as the 
"determinants of health", which include the individual's background, lifestyle, 
economic status, social conditions and spirituality; Studies have shown that high 
levels of stress can affect human health.
In the first decade of the 21st century, the conceptualization of health as an ability 
opened the door for self-assessments to become the main indicators to judge the 
performance of efforts aimed at improving human health.
 It also created the 
opportunity for every person to feel healthy, even in the presence of multiple 
chronic diseases or a terminal condition, and for the re-examination of 
determinants of health (away from the traditional approach that focuses on the 
reduction of the prevalence of diseases). 
In general, the context in which an individual lives is of great importance for both 
his health status and quality of life. It is increasingly recognized that health is 
maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application 
of health science, but also through the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the 
individual and society. According to the World Health Organization, the main 
determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical 
environment, and the person's individual characteristics and behaviors.
More specifically, key factors that have been found to influence whether people are 
healthy or unhealthy include the following:

Education and literacy 

Employment/working conditions 

Income and social status 

Physical environments 

Social environments 

Biology and genetics 



Health care services 

Healthy child development 

Social support networks 

Personal health practices and coping skills 
An increasing number of studies and reports from different organizations and 
contexts examine the linkages between health and different factors, including 
lifestyles, environments, health care organization and health policy, one specific 
health policy brought into many countries in recent years was the introduction of 
the sugar tax. Beverage taxes came into light with increasing concerns about 
obesity, particularly among youth. Sugar-sweetened beverages have become a 
target of anti-obesity initiatives with increasing evidence of their link to 
– such as the 1974 Lalonde report from Canada;
 the Alameda County 
Study in California;
 and the series of World Health Reports of the World Health 
Organization, which focuses on global health issues including access to health care 
and improving public health outcomes, especially in developing countries.
The concept of the "

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