BADALOVA SOHIBA PARDAYEVNA COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PROFFESSIONAL LEXICON IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Specialization: 70230101 – linguistics. English language Written to obtain master’s academic degree
Research advisor:
Phd. Mamatqulov A.
TERMEZ – 2023 The dissertation was completed at the department of English language and literature, Termez State University.
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PROFFESSIONAL LEXICON IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES ANNOTATION Key words: lexicon, professional lexicons, comparative analysis, lexicology.
Research objects: The lexicons of English and Uzbek languages are taken as an object of the dissertation.
Research subjects: The Professional lexicons of English and Uzbek languages are taken as a subject of the dissertation.
The topicality of the research: Determining the role of lexicons in English and Uzbek in the development of lexicology; Study and analysis of lexicons as a classification unit of lexicology; Providing the linguistic analysis and lexical understanding of professional lexicons; Conduct a comparative analysis of professional lexicons in Uzbek and English and point out their similarities and differences.
Purpose of the research work:The purpose of the dissertation is to conduct a comparative analysis of professional lexicons in English and Uzbek and to identify similarities and differences.
Tasks of research work: To determine the role of lexicons in the development of lexicology; To analysis of the appearance of lexicons in Uzbek and English as a subdivision of lexicology; To identify similarities and differences between English and Uzbek lexicons; To make contrastive analysis on the professional lexicons of English and Uzbek languages; Explain the similarities and differences of professional lexicons in English and Uzbek with the help of examples.