Weber, Friedrich [1781-1823]
1795. Nomenclator entomologicus secundum Entomologiam Systematicam ill. Fabricii adjectis speciebus recens detectis et varietatibus. Chilonii et Hamburgii, Bohn. viii + 172 pp. [general]
Weber, Neal Albert
1972. The entomology of Panamá, pp. 187-197, 2 figs. In: Jones, M. L. (Ed.), The panamic Biota: Some observations prior to a sea-level canal. Bulletin of the biological Society of Washington 2: viii + 269 pp., figs. [Morpho]
Webster, Claire L.
2007. See Pringle, E. G. et al., 2007.
Wedderhoff, Alberto
1978. See Biezanko, C. M. et al., 1978.
Weeks, Andrew Gray, Jr. [1861-1931]
1891a. New Lepidoptera. Entomological News 2(6): 102-104 ("June", [29 May]) [Hypolycaena festata, Lemonias maxima; Mexico]
1891b. A new butterfly from Lower California. Canadian Entomologist 23(6): 126-127 (June) [Pyrgus pelagica]
1900a. Illustrations of hitherto unfigured Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 2: 1-9, pls. 1-4 (30 June) [general; Mexico, Colombia]
1900b. Illustrations of hitherto unfigured Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 2: 45-46, pl. 5 (15 December) [new species: Lasaia rosamonda; Colombia]
[1900]c. Illustrations of hitherto unfigured Lepidoptera. [Boston]. 8 pp., 4 pls. [a preprint of the first signature of his Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera, 1905, q.v.] [cf. Weeks, 1902j]
1901a. Illustrations of hitherto unfigured Lepidoptera. Boston, Author. 31 pp., 5 + 6 pls. (July) [a preprint of the first four signatures of his Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera, 1905, q.v.] [general; Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia]
1901b. New diurnal Lepidoptera from Bolivia. Canadian Entomologist 33(10): 265-269 (3 October) [Papilio cochabamba, Dynamine albidula, Amarynthis muscolor, Eurybia hari]
1901c. Descriptions of three new butterflies. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 2: 71-74 (18 October) [Lasaia kennethi, Heliconius spadicarius, Pamphila errator; Bolivia]
1901d. New diurnal Lepidoptera from Bolivia. Canadian Entomologist 33(11): 293-296 (8 November) [Pedaliodes primera, Thecla harrietta, Pyrrhopygopsis reedii, Pamphila argentea]
1901e. Descriptions of new butterflies of the genera Pamphila, Epinephele and Gorgythion. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 2: 79-83 (9 November) [P. coroicana, P. vesana, P. viridenex, E. imbrialis, G. difficilis; Bolivia]
1901f. Descriptions of seven new butterflies from Bolivia. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 2: 85-90 (22 November) [Pamphila alleni, P. idee, P. reedi, P. briquenydan, P. milesi, Terias floscula, Butleria duovata]
1901g. New Lepidoptera from Bolivia. Entomological News 12(9): 264-267 (November) [Hymenitis andreas, Thecla infrequens, T. dieckei, Pamphila cusillunia]
1901h. New diurnal Lepidoptera from Bolivia. Canadian Entomologist 33(12): 321-324 (10 December) [Pythonides hirta, Thecla francis, Nisoniades tihoneta]
1901i. Descriptions of ten new butterflies of the genus Pamphila. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 2: 91-97 (23 December) [P. artiei, P. coroiconensis, P. warreni, P. serenus, P. allianca, P. septimanus, P. planus, P. taberi, P. leopardus, P. hurleyi; Bolivia]
1901j. Descriptions of some new butterflies of the genera Thecla, Euptychia, Telegonus and Achlyodes. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 2: 101-108 (30 December) [T. sadiei, T. lucaris, E. monahani, E. therkelsoni, T. finitimus, T. tritonae, A. guilfordi, A. fera, A. seatoni; Bolivia]
1901k. Descriptions of nine new Bolivian butterflies. Transactions of the american entomological Society 27(45): 353-360 (December) [Adelpha deborah, A. helepecki, Daedalma bronza, Euptychia luttela, Ithomia gardneri, Lycaena babhru, Metacharis indissimilis, Pamphila cuadrada, Phyciodes nortbrundii]
1902a. Descriptions of six new butterflies from Bolivia. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 3: 1-7 (17 January) [Ceratinia acceptabilis, Taygetis puritana, Caligo gerhardi, Nisoniades menuda, Cystineura aurantia, Thymele bridgmani]
1902b. Some undescribed butterflies from Colombia and from Lower California. Proceedings of the New England zoological Club 3: 9-13 (20 January) [Ithomia sarcinarius, Pedaliodes mariona, Aricoris aurigera, Prenes californica, Lycaena maritima]
1902c. New species of butterflies from Bolivia. Entomological News 13(4): 104-108 (April) [Lycaena ruberrothei, Cobalopsis duspecca, Cosmosatyrus nilesi, Syrichthus nigella]
1902d. Papilio cochabamba A. G. Weeks, Jr. Entomological News 13(5): 129, pl. 5 (May) [Bolivia]
1902e. New diurnal Lepidoptera from Bolivia. Canadian Entomologist 34(6): 138 (9 June) [Pamphila barbara]
1902f. Heliconius spadicarius A. G. Weeks, Jr. Entomologial Weeks 13(6): 169, pl. 7 (June) [Bolivia]
1902g. Eurybia hari, A. G. Weeks, Jr. Entomological News 13(7): pl. 12 (September)
1902h. [New Lepidoptera from Bolivia]. Entomological News 13(8): 235, pl. 13 (October) [Dynamine albidula Weeks, Amarynthis muscolor Weeks, Thecla infrequens Weeks, Hymenitis andreas Weeks]
1902i. Bolivian Lepidoptera. Entomological News 13(10): 317 (December) [note on prepublication of the first signature of his Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera, 1905]
1905. Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera with descriptions. Boston, The University Press. [1]: [1] + xii + 117 pp., frontisp., 45 pls. [general; new genus: Systaspes; Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia]
1906a. New Lepidoptera. Canadian Entomologist 38(3): 76-80 (28 February) [Adelpha oronoco, Mesene rochesteri, Nymphidium blakei, Ithomia drogheda, Euselasia howlandi; Venezuela]
1906b. New Lepidoptera from Venezuela. Psyche (Cambridge) 13(2/3): 67-73 (April-June) [with correction of pp. 67-68 on number 4, August] [Carystus ambrosei, Pamphila verdanta, P. mengeli, P. winslowi, Erycides nakawara, Thymele pervivax variety aleanderi, Thanaos parkeri, Nisoniades plummertini]
1906c. New Lepidoptera.- N 2. Canadian Entomologist 38(5): 174-178 (2 May) [Aethilla buffumi, Pamphila bryanti, P. chinoba, Achlyodes melcheri, Plestia kikkawai; Venezuela]
1906d. New species of butterflies. Entomological News 17(6): 195-204 (June) [Eresia klagesii, Ithomia hamlini, Thecla madie, T. carteri, T. hosmeri, Euselasia tysoni, Charis suapure, Methonella carveri, Nymphidium quinoni, Carystus richardi, Pythonides hoyti, Pamphila bobae, P. brooksi; Venezuela]
1909. New South American butterflies. Entomological News 20(6): 263-264 (June) [Carystus benchos, Callimormus elides, Atrytone chingachgook; Bolivia, Venezuela]
1911. Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera. With descriptions. Boston, The University Press. 2: [12] + xvi + 37 pp., frontisp., 21 pls. [general; Venezuela, Bolivia]
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