Learning aims B and C Learners must provide evidence of the design and development of at least one 2D and
one 3D digital graphic product. Depending on client requirements, the products may
be suitable for inclusion in a larger media product. For example, a computer game
may require characters, objects and background digital graphics.
For Distinction standard , learners will evaluate their digital graphic images, using
feedback and comparison against the client’s requirements, to justify their design
solutions in comparison to alternative approaches. For example, different types of
‘normal maps’ could be used in the design of a 3D graphic image by using feedback that
a ‘tangent space normal map’ is best suited to designing characters, whereas for assets
that don’t need to deform, an ‘object space normal map’ could be used. Learners will
evaluate the effectiveness of the graphics processing and techniques chosen as part
of their design, providing reasoned justifications for their choices and evaluating their
impact on the final outcomes.
They will develop and optimise their digital graphic products using a wide range of tools
and techniques, and will effectively meet the client’s requirements. Throughout the
development process, they will evaluate the products and decisions taken, providing
reasoned justification of the decisions taken and why changes have been made.
Overall, the evidence will be easy to read and understand by a third party. It will be
logically structured, use appropriate technical language throughout and use a high
standard of written language, i.e. consistent use of correct grammar and spelling,
and consistent reference of information sources. Learners will reflect on their own
performance during the design and development of 2D and 3D digital graphics, with
evidence demonstrating their effectiveness in individual responsibility, creativity and
self-management. For example, for creativity, learners’ evidence could demonstrate that
each digital graphic image will combine assets imaginatively, demonstrating a clear
understanding of design principles, audience and purpose.